农民工融入城市问题研究 王毅 中文摘要:城市化是中国现代化的必经阶段,而农民工则是我国城市化进程中 所出现的一个特殊群体。目前,农民工融入城市问题日益引起重视,但其群体状 况并不容乐观。由于户籍制度的身份限制,广大农民工虽然在城里务工,为我国 城市的发展做出了巨大贡献,但他们根本无法融入城市社会,过上正常城市人的 生活,成为生活在城市的“边缘人”。农民工能否真正融入城市,成为完整意义 上的城市人,对推进城市化进程具有极其重要的意义。本文就农民工在融入城市 的过程中所产生的“农民工问题”的表现、原因及对策进行分析。并希望农民工 能在尽可能短的时间内融入城市社会,成为真正意义上的城市人。 关键词:农民工城市化融入户籍制度弱势群体 Abstract:The urbanization is an inevitable stage of China's modernization,and migrant workers are of a special group in the process of urbanization.Currently,the problem that the integration of migrant workers into urban areas is paid more and more attention,nevertheless,the situation of the population is still not optimistic.Due to the identity restrictions of the household registration system,migrant workers work in cities and have made tremendous contribution,but they couldn't melt into the city society,lead a normal city life,thus become the city's "edge people".Whether migrant workers can become "full"urban people is extremely significant to the smooth movement of China's urbanization.The performance causes of"peasant workers problem"as a result of integration into the cities and the related measures are analyzed in this paper.Via this article we hope the migrant workers can integrate into the cities in a short run and become a "full"city person. Key words:peasant workers:urbanization;integration:household registration system;disadvantaged groups ?1994-2014 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net农民工融入城市问题研究 王毅 中文摘要:城市化是中国现代化的必经阶段,而农民工则是我国城市化进程中 所出现的一个特殊群体。目前,农民工融入城市问题日益引起重视,但其群体状 况并不容乐观。由于户籍制度的身份限制,广大农民工虽然在城里务工,为我国 城市的发展做出了巨大贡献,但他们根本无法融入城市社会,过上正常城市人的 生活,成为生活在城市的“边缘人”。农民工能否真正融入城市,成为完整意义 上的城市人,对推进城市化进程具有极其重要的意义。本文就农民工在融入城市 的过程中所产生的“农民工问题”的表现、原因及对策进行分析。并希望农民工 能在尽可能短的时间内融入城市社会,成为真正意义上的城市人。 关键词:农民工 城市化 融入 户籍制度 弱势群体 Abstract: The urbanization is an inevitable stage of China's modernization, and migrant workers are of a special group in the process of urbanization. Currently, the problem that the integration of migrant workers into urban areas is paid more and more attention, nevertheless, the situation of the population is still not optimistic. Due to the identity restrictions of the household registration system, migrant workers work in cities and have made tremendous contribution, but they couldn't melt into the city society, lead a normal city life, thus become the city's "edge people”. Whether migrant workers can become “full” urban people is extremely significant to the smooth movement of China`s urbanization. The performance causes of “peasant workers problem” as a result of integration into the cities and the related measures are analyzed in this paper. Via this article we hope the migrant workers can integrate into the cities in a short run and become a “full” city person. Key words: peasant workers;urbanization; integration; household registration system; disadvantaged groups
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