Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.Groundwater Science and Engineering.New Energy Science and Engineering.Geological Engineering. 12.Use teaching materials:Zhang Meisheng et al.,Earth science field practice guide- Xingcheng geology.Geological Pre May 2013.first editior 13.The main teaching reference books: 14.Teaching and research department uthor Teaching and Research office of Paleontology and Stratigraphy--Li Xiaobo,Teaching and Research office of Structural Geology-Liang Chenvue 15.Compilation date:202207 中文课程简介 地质教学实习是教学计划中重要的专业实践环节,其主要任务是对学生进行地球科学 野外工作基本能力的综合训练和地质思维培养。通过教学实习,使学生将地质学各学科课 程的室内教学内容与野外实际密切结合,加深对地质学基础知识、基本理论、基本技能的 理解,掌握地质数据的采集、处理、综合研究和成果解释等方面的技术和方法。为后继专 业课程的学习以及毕业后从事地学研究、资源调查、资源开发及管理工作或继续深造打下 坚实基础。 英文课程简介 Geological field practice isan important professional practice in the teaching plan,and its main task is to train the students basic abilities of earth science field work and geological thinking Through this practice,students can ycombine the indoor of the courss on variou disciplines of geology with the field practice,deepen their understanding of the basic knowledge main theories and indispensable skills of geology,and master the techniques and methods of geological data collection,processing,comprehensive research and interpretation of results.It will lay a solid foundation for the study of the following professional courses and the work of geoscience resource investigation,resource development and management after graduationor further study. (一)教学目的 地质教学实习是学生在全面修完地质学类各门骨干专业基础课程之后,以及一年级地质 认识实习的基础上,在第二学年结束后的短学期2,由地球科学学院组织,赴吉林大学兴城 实践教学基地进行的实习。通过教学实习,使学生将地质学各专业学科课程室内教学内容与 野外实际密切结合,加深对地质学基础知识、基本理论的理解,掌握基本技能,学会常规地 质数据的采集、处理、综合研究和成果解释等方面的技术和方法。 (二)教学要求 1教学基本内容 地质教学实习由动员准备、路线地质踏勘、实测地质剖面、野外地质填图、地质报告 (实习报告)编写等环节构成。 99 Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Groundwater Science and Engineering, New Energy Science and Engineering, Geological Engineering. 12. Use teaching materials: Zhang Meisheng et al., Earth science field practice guide -- Xingcheng geology, Geological Press, May 2013, first edition 13. The main teaching reference books: 14. Teaching and research department -- author: Teaching and Research office of Paleontology and Stratigraphy -- Li Xiaobo, Teaching and Research office of Structural Geology -- Liang Chenyue 15. Compilation date: 2022.07 中文课程简介 地质教学实习是教学计划中重要的专业实践环节,其主要任务是对学生进行地球科学 野外工作基本能力的综合训练和地质思维培养。通过教学实习,使学生将地质学各学科课 程的室内教学内容与野外实际密切结合,加深对地质学基础知识、基本理论、基本技能的 理解,掌握地质数据的采集、处理、综合研究和成果解释等方面的技术和方法。为后继专 业课程的学习以及毕业后从事地学研究、资源调查、资源开发及管理工作或继续深造打下 坚实基础。 英文课程简介 Geological field practice is an important professional practice in the teaching plan, and its main task is to train the students' basic abilities of earth science field work and geological thinking. Through this practice, students can closely combine the indoor content of the courses on various disciplines of geology with the field practice, deepen their understanding of the basic knowledge, main theories and indispensable skills of geology, and master the techniques and methods of geological data collection, processing, comprehensive research and interpretation of results. It will lay a solid foundation for the study of the following professional courses and the work of geoscience research, resource investigation, resource development and management after graduation or further study. (一)教学目的 地质教学实习是学生在全面修完地质学类各门骨干专业基础课程之后,以及一年级地质 认识实习的基础上,在第二学年结束后的短学期 2,由地球科学学院组织,赴吉林大学兴城 实践教学基地进行的实习。通过教学实习,使学生将地质学各专业学科课程室内教学内容与 野外实际密切结合,加深对地质学基础知识、基本理论的理解,掌握基本技能,学会常规地 质数据的采集、处理、综合研究和成果解释等方面的技术和方法。 (二)教学要求 1.教学基本内容 地质教学实习由动员准备、路线地质踏勘、实测地质剖面、野外地质填图、地质报告 (实习报告)编写等环节构成
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