《国际广告》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16063203 课程名称:国际广告 英文名称:International Advertising 课程类别:专业课 学时:48 学分:3 适用对象:2019级广告学1班、2班(佛山校区全学段) 考核方式:分散考试 先修课程:广告学原理、市场营销、传播学概论 二、课程简介 本课程的教学目的是通过项目制学习(Project Based Learning)让学生学握国际广告的相关理论与具体方法。在国际市场上做广告或进行 推销活动,其基本活动规律与国内市场是相同的,有些做法也是通用的。但由于国 际市场的环境比较复杂,各个国家的经济发展水平不同和民族文化习惯不同,人们 对广告所持的态度也各不相同。所以,在制订国际广告计划时,就要了解各国的具 体情况和对广告的不同态度,采取相应的做法和策略。 This course aims to help studentsto acquire professional knowledge and skills about interational advertising through PBL (Project Based Leamning).The fundamental rules to conduct an advertising campaign ora promotional activity in the intemational market are similar to conduct it in the domestic market.However,due to the complexity in the interational market,the economic and cultural differences between different countries, people have different attitudesto advertising.In this case,it is necessary to understand how people in different countries to think about advertising when making a plan for intemational advertising.1 《国际广告》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16063203 课程名称:国际广告 英文名称:International Advertising 课程类别:专业课 学 时:48 学 分:3 适用对象:2019级广告学1班、2班(佛山校区全学段) 考核方式:分散考试 先修课程:广告学原理、市场营销、传播学概论 二、课程简介 本课程的教学目的是通过项目制学习(Project Based Learning)让学生掌握国际广告的相关理论与具体方法。在国际市场上做广告或进行 推销活动,其基本活动规律与国内市场是相同的,有些做法也是通用的。但由于国 际市场的环境比较复杂,各个国家的经济发展水平不同和民族文化习惯不同,人们 对广告所持的态度也各不相同。所以,在制订国际广告计划时,就要了解各国的具 体情况和对广告的不同态度,采取相应的做法和策略。 This course aims to help students to acquire professional knowledge and skills about international advertising through PBL(Project Based Learning). The fundamental rules to conduct an advertising campaign or a promotional activity in the international market are similar to conduct it in the domestic market. However, due to the complexity in the international market, the economic and cultural differences between different countries, people have different attitudes to advertising. In this case, it is necessary to understand how people in different countries to think about advertising when making a plan for international advertising
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