Reactions of Ethers Typically ethers are stable and chemically inert,although they can undergo two types of reaction(cleavage, oxidation). Cleavage Ethers are cleaved by H-Br and H-I,generating the corresponding alkyl halides. R-O-R'+excess H-X>R-X +R’X Ethers are stable to bases,but acidic conditions leads to the protonation of the ether oxygen,which then can undergo substitution reactions. -Br CH3CH2-Br CH2CH2-O-CH2CH3 +CH3CH2-OCH2CH3→ H3CH2-QH H-Br Br: H CHgCH2-Br CHaCH2O-H The alcohol produced reacts to generate a second molecule of alkyl halide. Chl4 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 9Ch14 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 9 Reactions of Ethers Typically ethers are stable and chemically inert, although they can undergo two types of reaction (cleavage, oxidation). Cleavage Ethers are cleaved by H-Br and H-I, generating the corresponding alkyl halides. R-O-R’ + excess H-X  R-X + R’-X Ethers are stable to bases, but acidic conditions leads to the protonation of the ether oxygen, which then can undergo substitution reactions. The alcohol produced reacts to generate a second molecule of alkyl halide
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