Phenyl ethers are slightly different,and cleave to give alkyl halides and phenols. CH2CH3 OH phenol CH3CHz-l The reaction stops at the phenol stage since the sp carbon of the C-OH bond does not allow the required SN1 or SN2 reactions to generate the second molecule of aryl halide Oxidation of Ethers Ethers may auto-oxidize if left in the presence of oxygen for extended periods of time(Dangerous in the laboratory). CH3CH3 excess O2 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 -0-H H- 一0O-O-H+HO-O-H CH3 CH3 months CH3 CHa CH3CH3 hydroperoxide dialkylperoxide The peroxides and hydroperoxides are unstable and explosive. Chl4 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 10 Ch14 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 10 Phenyl ethers are slightly different, and cleave to give alkyl halides and phenols. The reaction stops at the phenol stage since the sp2 carbon of the C-OH bond does not allow the required SN1 or SN2 reactions to generate the second molecule of aryl halide. Oxidation of Ethers Ethers may auto-oxidize if left in the presence of oxygen for extended periods of time (Dangerous in the laboratory). The peroxides and hydroperoxides are unstable and explosive. CH3 H CH3 O CH3 H CH3 excess O2 months CH3 H CH3 O CH3 O-O-H CH3 CH3 H CH3 O O CH3 CH3 H hydroperoxide dialkylperoxide +
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