前排左起:康生毛泽东、王稼祥、朱德、项英 王明;后排左起:陈云、博书、彭德不刘少 奇、周恩来、来闻天。 中国共文党新位Peng Dehuai Peng Dehuai • On November 26, 1950, some 400,000 Chinese troops poured across the Yalu River under the command of General Peng Dehuai Peng Dehuai (1898–1974), driving the U.S forces pell–mell (混乱地 )southward. They trapped 20,000 American and South Korean troops, inflicting one of the worst defeats in American military history. Within three weeks, they had repelled U.S forces back behind the 38th Parallel. 前排左起:康生、毛泽东、王稼祥、朱德、项英、 王明;后排左起:陈云、博古、彭德怀、刘少 奇、周恩来、张闻天