Teaching 1.The mechanism of cell differentiation should be clarified through some case; 2. Epigenetic regulation of cell differentiation is a complex case Problems and should be explained in detail. Their Solutions 8. Introduction (10min) stem cells (20 min) Time 10.Epigenetic regulation of cell differentiation (40 min) Allotment 11.The major cell differentiation systems. (20 min) Total 90min 1.How do you think genes can be responsible for cellular Assignment differer ces? Thinking How do you think cell differentiation affects an organism? Questions Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects by Postscript oduce some milestone events,for instant,the establishment of ips cells. Memo Chapter9:Se ence and death Teacher's Name:Shane Gao Intr oduce cell senescence,cell apoptosis and cell death Teaching ckground; Objectives, Make students clear about the above concepts: Teaching 5.Guide the students to understand the principle of cell senescence, Requirements cell apoptosis and cell death,make sure they can understand them from many aspects such as celluar level,genetic level,etc Requirements:Computer.Projector,laser pointer,microphone 5. Cell senescence background introduction and principle Teaching mechanism: Content 6.Cell Apoptosis backeround introduction and principle mechanism Comp ring ence and cell apoptosis 8 Link between cell senescence,cell apoptosis and cell death.Teaching Focus; Difficult Problems and Their Solutions 1. The mechanism of cell differentiation should be clarified through some case; 2. Epigenetic regulation of cell differentiation is a complex case should be explained in detail. Time Allotment 8. Introduction (10min) 9. Stem cells (20 min) 10. Epigenetic regulation of cell differentiation (40 min) 11. The major cell differentiation systems. (20 min) Total 90min Assignment/ Thinking Questions 1. How do you think genes can be responsible for cellular differences? 2. How do you think cell differentiation affects an organism? Postscript Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects by introduce some milestone events, for instant, the establishment of ips cells. Memo Chapter9: Senescence and death Teacher's Name: Shane Gao Teaching Objectives; Teaching Requirements 4. Introduce cell senescence, cell apoptosis and cell death background; Make students clear about the above concepts; 5. Guide the students to understand the principle of cell senescence, cell apoptosis and cell death, make sure they can understand them from many aspects such as cellular level, genetic level, etc. Requirements: Computer, Projector, laser pointer, microphone. Teaching Content 5. Cell senescence background introduction and principle mechanism; 6. Cell Apoptosis background introduction and principle mechanism; 7. Comparing cell senescence and cell apoptosis; 8. Link between cell senescence, cell apoptosis and cell death
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