工程科学学报,第38卷,第11期:1629-1635,2016年11月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.38,No.11:1629-1635,November 2016 D0l:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2016.11.017:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 氩氢摩尔比对直流电弧等离子体喷射法等离子体放 电特征影响的计算 郭建超”,刘金龙”,朱涛》,陈良贤”,魏俊俊”,李成明,王海兴2 1)北京科技大学新材料技术研究院,北京1000832)北京航空航天大学宇航学院,北京100191 ☒通信作者,E-mail:chengmlic@mater..usth.cdn.cn 摘要假定氩-氢等离子体处于局部热力学平衡状态,利用理想气体分子运动论和经典查普曼-恩斯科格(Chapman-- Enskog)方法,在获取符合直流电弧等离子体喷射法实际工况的等离子体热力学和输运参数的基础上,基于FLUENT软件进 行二次开发,添加电磁场相关的电流连续方程、安培定律等方程及洛伦兹力、焦耳热等源项,模拟研究氩氢摩尔比对等离子体 放电特征影响规律结果表明:在气压为8kPa,工作电流150A,氩氢摩尔比由3:1降至1:3时,等离子体最大流速由829m· ;增至1127m~8,最高温度由20600K逐渐降低至16800K,电弧对基体的加热能力逐渐增强的同时使基体表面温度均匀 性变差.在其他条件不变的前提下,氩氢摩尔比为1:2时能获得适宜金刚石生长且相对均匀的基体表面温度 关键词等离子体喷射:放电特性:氩:氢:数值模拟 分类号TM924.4 Calculation of the influence of argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio on the discharge characteristics of plasma in DC arc plasma jet GUO Jian-chao,LIU Jin-ong,ZHU Tao,CHEN Liang-xian,WEI Jun-jun",LI Cheng-ming,WANG Hai-xing? 1)Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)School of Astronautics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China Corresponding author,E-mail:chengmli@mater.ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT The effect of argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio on the discharging behavior of argon-hydrogen plasma was simulated and studied on the assumption that argon-hydrogen plasma is in a local thermodynamic equilibrium.The kinetic theory of ideal gases and the classical Chapman-Enskog method were employed in the study.The plasma thermodynamic and transport parameters consistent with the actual condition of the DC arc plasma jet method were firstly found,and secondary development was made on FLUENT software platform.Equations,like current continuum and Ampere's law,and source items,like Lorentz force and Joule heat,which are associated with electromagnetic fields were also taken into account.The results show that when the gas pressure and operating cur- rent are 8 kPa and 150 A,respectively,and the argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio changes from 3:I to 1:3,the maximum flow rate of plas- ma increases from 829 to 1127ms,the maximum temperature falls from 20600 K to 16800 K,and the heating capacity of the DC arc improves while the substrate surface temperature uniformity deteriorates.Under the other conditions being unchanged,when the argon-to- hydrogen ratio is 1:2,a relatively uniform and proper substrate surface temperature can be obtained for the growth of diamond films. KEY WORDS plasma jet:discharge characteristics:argon:hydrogen;numerical simulation 直流电弧喷射等离子体具有气体温度高、能量密 度大等特点,属于热等离子体范畴.在众多金刚石膜 收稿日期:201602-28 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51272024)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 11 期: 1629--1635,2016 年 11 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 38,No. 11: 1629--1635,November 2016 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2016. 11. 017; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 氩氢摩尔比对直流电弧等离子体喷射法等离子体放 电特征影响的计算 郭建超1) ,刘金龙1) ,朱 涛2) ,陈良贤1) ,魏俊俊1) ,李成明1) ,王海兴2) 1) 北京科技大学新材料技术研究院,北京 100083 2) 北京航空航天大学宇航学院,北京 100191  通信作者,E-mail: chengmli@ mater. ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 假定氩--氢等离子体处于局部热力学平衡状态,利用理想气体分子运动论和经典查普曼--恩斯科格( Chapman-- Enskog) 方法,在获取符合直流电弧等离子体喷射法实际工况的等离子体热力学和输运参数的基础上,基于 FLUENT 软件进 行二次开发,添加电磁场相关的电流连续方程、安培定律等方程及洛伦兹力、焦耳热等源项,模拟研究氩氢摩尔比对等离子体 放电特征影响规律. 结果表明: 在气压为 8 kPa,工作电流 150 A,氩氢摩尔比由 3∶ 1降至 1∶ 3时,等离子体最大流速由 829 m· s - 1 增至 1127 m·s - 1 ,最高温度由 20600 K 逐渐降低至 16800 K,电弧对基体的加热能力逐渐增强的同时使基体表面温度均匀 性变差. 在其他条件不变的前提下,氩氢摩尔比为 1∶ 2时能获得适宜金刚石生长且相对均匀的基体表面温度. 关键词 等离子体喷射; 放电特性; 氩; 氢; 数值模拟 分类号 TM924. 4 Calculation of the influence of argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio on the discharge characteristics of plasma in DC arc plasma jet GUO Jian-chao 1) ,LIU Jin-long1) ,ZHU Tao 2) ,CHEN Liang-xian1) ,WEI Jun-jun1) ,LI Cheng-ming1)  ,WANG Hai-xing2) 1) Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) School of Astronautics,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: chengmli@ mater. ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT The effect of argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio on the discharging behavior of argon--hydrogen plasma was simulated and studied on the assumption that argon--hydrogen plasma is in a local thermodynamic equilibrium. The kinetic theory of ideal gases and the classical Chapman--Enskog method were employed in the study. The plasma thermodynamic and transport parameters consistent with the actual condition of the DC arc plasma jet method were firstly found,and secondary development was made on FLUENT software platform. Equations,like current continuum and Ampere's law,and source items,like Lorentz force and Joule heat,which are associated with electromagnetic fields were also taken into account. The results show that when the gas pressure and operating cur￾rent are 8 kPa and 150 A,respectively,and the argon-to-hydrogen mole ratio changes from 3∶ 1 to 1∶ 3,the maximum flow rate of plas￾ma increases from 829 to 1127 m·s - 1 ,the maximum temperature falls from 20600 K to 16800 K,and the heating capacity of the DC arc improves while the substrate surface temperature uniformity deteriorates. Under the other conditions being unchanged,when the argon-to￾hydrogen ratio is 1∶ 2,a relatively uniform and proper substrate surface temperature can be obtained for the growth of diamond films. KEY WORDS plasma jet; discharge characteristics; argon; hydrogen; numerical simulation 收稿日期: 2016--02--28 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51272024) 直流电弧喷射等离子体具有气体温度高、能量密 度大等特点,属于热等离子体范畴. 在众多金刚石膜
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