P2P tutorial (ESEC 2001) Types of P2P Systems 。E-commerce systems -eBay,B2B market places,B2B integration servers,... ·File sharing systems -Napster,Gnutella,Freenet,... Distributed Databases Mariposa [Stonebraker96],... ·Networks -Arpanet Mobile ad-hoc networks,Terminodes [Hubaux01],... 2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 System Layers -where is P2P? ·Users User -Commerce and society is P2P 。Application layer uses QoS E-commerce systems can be P2P or centralized Application Information management -Directories are central but could exploits QoS be P2P Information Networks often are P2P Management Internet exploits Qos Network 2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 (c)2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth 4P2P tutorial (ESEC 2001) (c) 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth 4 © 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 7 Types of P2P Systems • E-commerce systems – eBay, B2B market places, B2B integration servers, … • File sharing systems – Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, … • Distributed Databases – Mariposa [Stonebraker96], … • Networks – Arpanet – Mobile ad-hoc networks, Terminodes [Hubaux01], … © 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 8 User Application Information Management Network QoS Qos exploits QoS exploits uses System Layers — where is P2P? • Users – Commerce and society is P2P • Application layer – E-commerce systems can be P2P or centralized • Information management – Directories are central but could be P2P • Networks often are P2P – Internet
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