The structures of supeficial layer EXt jugular v Parotid gland of facial nerve Masseter Dscend on the surface of SCM drainage to subclavian V, lesser Cutaneous branches of Great auricular cervical plexus Erb's point Externa O Supraclavicular nn. (med, lat Latecalsicprar jugular vein nerves intermidiate branches) Anterior TRansverse n of the neck of cervical fascia ● Greater auricualr n. ● Lesser occipital nThe structures of supeficial layer Ext.jugular v. Dscend on the surface of SCM.drainage to subclavian v., Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus: Supraclavicular nn. (med,lat & intermidiate branches); Transverse n.of the neck, Greater auricualr n. Lesser occipital n
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