·英文提要· 俄罗斯中亚东欧研究2007年第2期 rap id development for Chinese-Central and East European econom ic and trade cooperation LiJingjie Since the beginning of the 21st century a series of major and breakthrough develop- ments have been achieved in Sino-Russian relations,and the new-type state relations between Chi na and Russia has been mp roving and rpening Apart from the basic national interests of the two countries,the new century abounds w ith new factors pushing the forw ard developm ent of the bilateral ties Lagging econom ic and trade cooperation and the "China threat"allegation are two issues mped- ing the development of Sino-Russian ties The "China threat"theory has many causes,but it pre- dom inantly stem s from Russia itself Xu Hongfeng Under the sway of Cold W ar containm ent concept,the Reagon A dm inistration fomulated and mplem ented itsU SSR econom ic dip lom acy in the 1980s It covered all fields including m ilitary security,econom ic developm ent and geopolitics The U SSR did m ake some policy respones and adjustment on the said dip lom acy.To a considerable extent,the U SA achieved its goal of using econom ic levers to damage the social and econom ic basis of the Soviet U nion But the change and ad- justm ent of the Soviet policy was but very lm ited in effects as compared w ith its long-tem historical accum ulation and huge national scale The Reagon A dm inistration's U SSR econom ic dip lom acy was m erely a force pushing Soviet disintegration from outside;it was by no m eans the decisive force Such a policy had different effects in different fields The Reagon's philo sophical concept of the U SSR de- tem ined the lm itation of the US Soviet econom ic dip lom acy goals and led to its lagging po licy adjust- ment Yang Yousun The activity ofUS citizens of East European origin and its role is an issue deserv- ing our attention A gainst a special international background of Cold W ar,these citizens were con- fronted w ith an unp recedented complicated situation Their activity was sophisticated It is a big headache to evaluate its role and mpact This article is to make a tentative probe on their activity dur- ing the Cold W ar period aswell as its historical status and role,in hopes to entail an objective and just evaluation of the citizens and a unique angle of lok ing at and understanding the essence of the Cold W ar history. 96— 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.netrap id developm en t fo r Ch inese- Cen tral and East Eu ropean econom ic and trade cooperation. L i J ingjie Since the beginn ing of the 21st cen tu ry a series of m ajo r and b reak th rough develop2 m en ts have been ach ieved in Sino- Ru ssian relation s, and the new - type state relation s betw een Ch i2 na and Ru ssia has been imp roving and ripen ing. A part from the basic national in terests of the two coun tries, the new cen tu ry abounds w ith new facto rs pu sh ing the fo rw ard developm en t of the b ilateral ties. L agging econom ic and trade cooperation and the "Ch ina th reat" allegation are two issues imped2 ing the developm en t of Sino - Ru ssian ties. The "Ch ina th reat" theo ry has m any cau ses, bu t it p re2 dom inan tly stem s from Ru ssia itself. Xu Hongfeng U nder the sw ay of Co ld W ar con tainm en t concep t, the Reagon A dm in istration fo rm u lated and imp lem en ted its U SSR econom ic dip lom acy in the 1980s. It covered all fields including m ilitary secu rity, econom ic developm en t and geopo litics. The U SSR did m ake som e po licy respones and adju stm en t on the said dip lom acy. To a con siderab le ex ten t, the U SA ach ieved its goal of u sing econom ic levers to dam age the social and econom ic basis of the Soviet U n ion. Bu t the change and ad2 ju stm en t of the Soviet po licy w as bu t very lim ited in effects as compared w ith its long- term h isto rical accum u lation and huge national scale. The Reagon A dm in istration’s U SSR econom ic dip lom acy w as m erely a fo rce pu sh ing Soviet disin tegration from ou tside; it w as by no m ean s the decisive fo rce. Such a po licy had differen t effects in differen t fields. The Reagon’s ph ilo soph ical concep t of the U SSR de2 term ined the lim itation of the U S Soviet econom ic dip lom acy goals and led to its lagging po licy adju st2 m en t. Yang Yousun The activity of U S citizen s of East Eu ropean o rigin and its ro le is an issue deserv2 ing ou r atten tion. A gain st a special in ternational background of Co ld W ar, these citizen s w ere con2 fron ted w ith an unp receden ted comp licated situation. Their activity w as soph isticated. It is a b ig headache to evaluate its ro le and impact. Th is article is to m ake a ten tative p robe on their activity du r2 ing the Co ld W ar period as w ell as its h isto rical statu s and ro le, in hopes to en tail an ob jective and ju st evaluation of the citizen s and a un ique angle of look ing at and understanding the essence of the Co ld W ar h isto ry. — 96 — ·英文提要· 俄罗斯中亚东欧研究 2007 年第2 期