Structure and Bonding 3 obiato arbon double bond a onds for f bitals of hy en The double bond of ethylene is both shorter and stronger than the C-C bond of ethane. C.sp Orbitals (Sec 1.10 eiormcaandwbpasaiewntnangcartbon2porbital,twohybnidsporbitals 2.The two sp orbitals are 180 apart,and the two p orbitals are perpendicular to them and to other 3. wo dil type s of bonds form of two orhitals o中w,u0 qaeo e se um00ys!u0eao少 ide n of four norhitale 4.Acetylene is composed of a carbon-carbon triple bond and two o bonds formed between th g two sp orbit als of carbon and the Is orbi f hydrogen 00g.10 arbon-carbon .od td byusin hybrid prbitals 2.Both the nitrogen atom in ammonia and the oxygen atom in water form sphybrid 3.The bond angles between hydrogen and the central atom is often less than 109 because the lone-pair electrons take up more room than the o bond. 4.Beca e of their positions s in the e thir typic phosphorus and sun form more valent bond IV.Molecular hita A.Molecular orbitals arise from a mathematical combination of atomic orbitals and belong to the entire molecule. r in energy than the two b.The subtractive combination is an antibonding MO and is higher in energy than orbitals. 2.A nod the two hydrogen Is atomic rs ben nu onsaenfIedehot 3.The number of MOs in a molecule is the same as the number of ato orbitals combined V.Che structu on 112) Condensed structures don't show C-H bonds and don't show the bonds between 2. CH3,CH2 and CH units. ures are still aren't usually shown c.Other atoms are shown
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