2.1碳氢化合物的分类与命名 2.13通式与不饱和度(环的数目) Saturated Hydrocarbons: CnH2n+2 For a formula: CH Degree of unsaturated=(2n+2-m)/2 If it is a cycloalkane, the degree of unsaturated equals to the number of ring2.1 碳氢化合物的分类与命名 ◼ 2.1.3 通式与不饱和度(环的数目) ◼ Saturated Hydrocarbons: CnH2n+2 ◼ For a formula: CnHm ◼ Degree of unsaturated= (2n+2-m)/2 ◼ ◼ If it is a cycloalkane, the degree of unsaturated equals to the number of ring