PART II SELECTED CURRENT ISSUES IN THE FOREST SECTOR 121 petto, R& Gillis, M. 1988. Public policies and the Indonesia, Center for International Forestr misuse of forest resources. Cambridge, UK, Cambridg Research(CIFOR). University Press. UN. 2000. Report of the 4th session of the Rosenbaum, K L& Lindsay, J M. 2001. An overview of Intergovernmental Forum on Forests. 31 January ational forest funds: current approaches and future 11 February 2000. E/CN. 17/2000/14. New York. opportunities. Paper prepared for the Oslo Workshop UN. 2001. World population prospects: the 2000 revision on Finance for Sustainable Forest Management, New York. Oslo, Norway, 22-25 January 2001. Bogor, UNAIDS WHO. 2001. AIDS Epidemic update December.◆121 SECTOR FOREST THE IN ISSUES CURRENT SELECTED II PART the and policies Public. 1988. M, Gillis. & R, Repetto Cambridge, UK, Cambridge. resources forest of misuse .Press University of overview An. 2001. M.J, Lindsay. & L.K, Rosenbaum future and approaches current: funds forest national Workshop Oslo the for prepared Paper. opportunities ,Management Forest Sustainable for Finance on ,Bogor. 2001 January 25–22, Norway, Oslo Forestry International for Center, Indonesia .(CIFOR (Research the of session 4th the of Report. 2000. UN – January 31. Forests on Forum Intergovernmental .York New. 14/2000/17.CN/E. 2000 February 11 .revision 2000 the: prospects population World. 2001. UN .York New .Update Epidemic AIDS. 2001. WHO & UNAIDS ◆ .December
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