《保健课选项课》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:17017802 课程名称:保健课选项课 英文名称:Baduanjin Exercising 课程类别:通识必修课 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象:学校入学体检有问题的学生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 中文简介 八段锦功法是一套独立而完整的健身功法,起源于北宋,至今共八百多年的历史。 古人把这套动作比喻为“锦”,意为五颜六色,美而华贵!体现其动作舒展优美,视 其为“祛病健身,效果极好:编排精致:动作完美。”现代的八段锦在内容与名称上 均有所改变,此功法分为八段,每段一个动作, 故名为“八段锦”,练习无需器械, 受场地 单易学 省时间 作用极 尤其适合身体光 况不佳的学 练习,可使瘦者健壮,肥者减肥。因此也是当代人强身健体的最佳选择。 英文简介 Baduanjin Exercising is a chinese traditional Gufu which totally separated from others that can keep people fit and strong,it has been exsited for 800 years from Song Dynasty Chinese ancient called the exercising brocade that means colorful and gorgeous because the composition of the exercise is exquisite and perfect that is suitable for people physical demand Hence many good results have been achieved such as preventing disease and keeping people fit and healthier.Badunjin Exercising is divided for 8 parts,each of these has a complete action that can not restricted by place and fittness equipment and not difficult to master and not wasting a lot of time.Baduanjin Exercising has remarkable results to human body especially suitable to people of sub-health and chronial disease.Therefore it is the best choice for us to keep fit and healthier. 1 《保健课选项课》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:17017802 课程名称:保健课选项课 英文名称:Ba duan jin Exercising 课程类别:通识必修课 学 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象: 学校入学体检有问题的学生 考核方式:考试 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 中文简介 八段锦功法是一套独立而完整的健身功法,起源于北宋,至今共八百多年的历史。 古人把这套动作比喻为“锦”,意为五颜六色,美而华贵!体现其动作舒展优美,视 其为“祛病健身,效果极好;编排精致;动作完美。”现代的八段锦在内容与名称上 均有所改变,此功法分为八段,每段一个动作,故名为“八段锦”,练习无需器械, 不受场地局限,简单易学,节省时间,作用极其显著;尤其适合身体状况不佳的学生 练习,可使瘦者健壮,肥者减肥。因此也是当代人强身健体的最佳选择。 英文简介 Baduanjin Exercising is a chinese traditional Gufu which totally separated from others that can keep people fit and strong, it has been exsited for 800 years from Song Dynasty. Chinese ancient called the exercising brocade that means colorful and gorgeous because the composition of the exercise is exquisite and perfect that is suitable for people physical demand .Hence many good results have been achieved such as preventing disease and keeping people fit and healthier.Badunjin Exercising is divided for 8 parts, each of these has a complete action that can not restricted by place and fittness equipment and not difficult to master and not wasting a lot of time.Baduanjin Exercising has remarkable results to human body especially suitable to people of sub-health and chronial disease .Therefore it is the best choice for us to keep fit and healthier