浅谈节段预制拼装箱梁预制场设计布置 罗华平,汪林,王三文,明驰 四川公路桥梁建设集团大桥分公司四川成都610071) 摘要:本文结合在建的湖北省嘉鱼长江公路大桥南岸滩桥节段预制箱梁的 工程实例,对短线匹配法节段预制箱梁预制场确定平面布局、功能分区的要素和方 法进行了分析,简要介绍了预制底座等重要生产设施的设计与施工方法。 关鵪词:短线匹配;节段预制;功能分区;底座 Preliminary discussion on design and layout of prefabricated field of prefabricated box girder Luo Hua-ping, Wang San-wen, Ming Chi (Sichuan Road Bridge Group Co, Ltd. Bridge Engineering branch, Sichuan Chengdu 610071) Abstract:In this paper, the construction example of prefabricated box girder in the SouthBankBridge of Jiayu Changjiang Highway bridge in Hubei Province is in this paper, the design and construction methods of the important production facilities such as prefabricated bases are analyzed by analyzing the layout of prefabricated field and the elements and methods of functional zoning key words: short line matching; segment prefabrication; functional partition; base 、引言 根据国家桥梁工程领域“工厂化预制,装配化施工,信息化管理”的发展导向,节段预 制拼装公路桥梁因其优秀的成桥耐久性而得以迅速发展。该桥型有别于传统预制τ梁、小箱 梁、空心板将桥梁沿纵向分块的构造,将每跨桥梁横向分为若干节段预制,存梁一定时间充 分释放砼收缩徐变,然后再纵向串接,张拉预应力成桥。此工艺保留了桥梁横断面的整体性,浅谈节段预制拼装箱梁预制场设计布置 罗华平,汪林,王三文,明驰 (四川公路桥梁建设集团大桥分公司 四川 成都 610071) 摘 要: 本文结合在建的湖北省嘉鱼长江公路大桥南岸滩桥节段预制箱梁的 工程实例,对短线匹配法节段预制箱梁预制场确定平面布局、功能分区的要素和方 法进行了分析,简要介绍了预制底座等重要生产设施的设计与施工方法。 关键词: 短线匹配;节段预制;功能分区;底座 Preliminary discussion on design and layout of prefabricated field of prefabricated box girder Luo Hua-ping1,Wang San-wen1 ,Ming Chi1 (Sichuan Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd. Bridge Engineering branch, Sichuan Chengdu 610071) Abstract: In this paper, the construction example of prefabricated box girder in the South Bank Bridge of Jiayu Changjiang Highway bridge in Hubei Province is in this paper, the design and construction methods of the important production facilities such as prefabricated bases are analyzed by analyzing the layout of prefabricated field and the elements and methods of functional zoning. key words: short line matching; segment prefabrication; functional partition; base 一、引言 根据国家桥梁工程领域“工厂化预制,装配化施工,信息化管理”的发展导向,节段预 制拼装公路桥梁因其优秀的成桥耐久性而得以迅速发展。该桥型有别于传统预制 T 梁、小箱 梁、空心板将桥梁沿纵向分块的构造,将每跨桥梁横向分为若干节段预制,存梁一定时间充 分释放砼收缩徐变,然后再纵向串接,张拉预应力成桥。此工艺保留了桥梁横断面的整体性
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