王亚杰等:中国lyperCoal清洁高值化应用研究现状与展望 ·1759 行大规模的工业化试验.因此,未来需要着重解 ash-free coal fuel cell.Electrochimica Acta,2014,115:511 决HP℃的规模化生产问题,设计和制造经济性 [12]Wang Q,Cheng Y,Wu C N,et al.A novel energy conservation 高、运行可靠、清洁高效的HPC工业化生产装置 process for zero emission of carbon dioxide:Chemical looping combustion.Prog Chem,2008,20(10):1612 是关键.此外,还需要对HPC的萃取机理和作用 (王琦,程易,吴昌宁,等.新型节能C0,零排放工艺:化学循环燃 机制进行更加深入研究,这有助于提高我们对 烧技术.化学进展,2008,20(10):1612) HPC的认知水平,进一步拓展和丰富HPC的应用 [13]Shabani A,Rahman M,Pudasainee D,et al.Evaluation of ash-free 价值 coal for chemical looping combustion-part I:Thermogravimetric single cycle study and the reaction mechanism.CanChem Eng. 参考文献 2017,95(4):623 [1]Wang YY.Research on current situation and countermeasures of [14]Shabani A,Rahman M,Pudasainee D,et al.Evaluation of ash-free coal-fired air pollutants control in China.Coal Econ Res,2019, coal for chemical looping combustion-part Il:Thermogravimetric 39(8):66 multi-cycle performance.Can J Chem Eng,2017,95(5):832 [15]Liu H W,Ni W D,Li Z,et al.Strategic thinking on IGCC (王永英.我国燃煤大气污染物控制现状及对策研究.煤炭经济 development in China.Energy Policy,2008,36(1):1 研究,2019,39(8)片:66) [2]Zhao L J.Current situation of coal deashing technology and its [16]Kong Y J,Kim J,Chun D,et al.Comparative studies on steam gasification of ash-free coals and their original raw coals.IntJ development in future.Energy Sci Technol,2021,19(1):83 Hydrog Energ,2014,39(17):9212 (赵利军.煤炭除灰技术的现状和发展.能源科技,2021,19(1): [17]Park S H,Chung S W,Lee S K,et al.Thermo-economic 83) evaluation of 300 MW class integrated gasification combined [3]Zhang S.The Application of Pre-Treatment in Producing Ash-Free cycle with ash free coal (AFC)process.Appl Therm Eng,2015,89: Coal by Low Rank Coals [Dissertation].Tangshan:North China 843 University of Science and Technology,2016 [18]Sharma A,Kawashima H,Saito I,et al.Structural characteristics (张帅.预处理在低阶煤制备无灰煤中的应用学位论文】.唐山: and gasification reactivity of chars prepared from K2CO3 mixed 华北理工大学,2016) HyperCoals and coals.Energy Fuels,2009,23(4):1888 [4]Song X,Peng Y,Gong L S.Research and prospect in coal [19]Sharma A,Saito I,Takanohashi T.Effect of steam partial pressure reprocessing field of chemical deashing in rare coking coal.Coal on gasification rate and gas composition of product gas from Technol,2020,39(8:202 catalytic steam gasification of HyperCoal.Energy Fuels,2009. 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(杨建校,魏文杰,祁勇,等.无灰煤高效利用研究进展.煤炭学 Energy Fuels,2010,24(3):1745 报,2020,45(9):3301) [23]Koyano K,Takanohashi T,Saito I.Catalytic hydrogenation of [8]Fan L H,Liang Y H,Hou C X.Research progress on ash-free coal HyperCoal (ashless coal)and reusability of catalyst.Energy Fuels, preparation and application.Coal Sci Technol,2011,39(3):120 2009,23(7):3652 (樊丽华,梁英华,侯彩霞.无灰煤的制备及应用研究进展.煤炭 [24]Zou D H,Yang X,Shui H F,et al.Liquefaction of thermal extracts 科学技术,2011,39(3):120) from co-thermal dissolution of a sub-bituminous coal with lignin [9]Kim J P,Choi HK,Chang Y J,et al.Feasibility of using ash-free and reusability of Ni-Mo-S/A2O;catalyst.J Fuel Chem Technol, coal in a solid-oxide-electrolyte direct carbon fuel cell.Int 2019.47(1):23 Hydrog Energ,2012,37(15):11401 [25]Takanohashi T,Shishido T,Saito I.Effects of HyperCoal addition [10]Dudek M,Tomczyk P,Socha R,et al.Use of ash-free "Hyper- on coke strength and thermoplasticity of coal blends.Energy coal"as a fuel for a direct carbon fuel cell with solid oxide Fues,2008,22(3):1779 electrolyte.IntJHydrog Energy,2014,39(23):12386 [26]Sekine Y,Fujimoto H.Evaluation of the structure and strength of [11]Ju H,Eom J,Lee JK,et al.Durable power performance of a direct coke with HPC binder under various preparation conditions./SL/行大规模的工业化试验. 因此,未来需要着重解 决 HPC 的规模化生产问题,设计和制造经济性 高、运行可靠、清洁高效的 HPC 工业化生产装置 是关键. 此外,还需要对 HPC 的萃取机理和作用 机制进行更加深入研究 ,这有助于提高我们对 HPC 的认知水平,进一步拓展和丰富 HPC 的应用 价值. 参    考    文    献 Wang Y Y. Research on current situation and countermeasures of coal-fired  air  pollutants  control  in  China. 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ISIJ [26] 王亚杰等: 中国 HyperCoal 清洁高值化应用研究现状与展望 · 1759 ·
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