Australian vet reforms 澳大利亚职业教育与培训改革 Established a national system coordinated by the Australian National Training Authority(ANTA) 建立了由澳大利亚国家培训总署协调的国家体系。 Industry representatives on Board of ANTA 行业的代表担当澳大利亚国家培训总署理事会成员 Industry consultative bodies at national and state levels provide advice on changing skills and hanging level of demand for skills 国家和州层面的行业咨询机构负责为不断变化和提高 的技能需求提供建议 Provide equal status to training provided on the job 为各职业提供同等的培训 Over a five-year period a national training framework was developed and refined. Now called a national skills framework to reflect its outcomes orientation, the national framework puts into practice the principles of an industry led and national system through the three pillars of an Australian Qualifications Framework, a quality framework and packages of industry defined competency standards3 2 Australian VET Reforms 澳大利亚职业教育与培训改革 • Established a national system coordinated by the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) 建立了由澳大利亚国家培训总署协调的国家体系。 • Industry representatives on Board of ANTA 行业的代表担当澳大利亚国家培训总署理事会成员。 • Industry consultative bodies at national and state levels provide advice on changing skills and changing level of demand for skills 国家和州层面的行业咨询机构负责为不断变化和提高 的技能需求提供建议。 • Provide equal status to training provided on the job 为各职业提供同等的培训 Over a five-year period a national training framework was developed and refined. Now called a national skills framework to reflect its outcomes orientation, the national framework puts into practice the principles of an industry led and national system through the three pillars of an Australian Qualifications Framework, a quality framework and packages of industry defined competency standards