(Fade to Meredith sittingoutside the OR,dazed.Cristina walks through the door and turns back.) Cristina:Itwas a good surgery. Meredith:Yeah. (Hour 48.Cristina sitsand sighs.) Cristina:We don't have to do that thing where Isay something,and then you say something,and then somebody cries,and there's like a moment. Meredith:Yuck Cristina:Good.You should get some sleep.You look like crap. Meredith:Ilook better than you. Cristina:It's not possible.(leaves) (Derek comes through the same door,stops at a desk to do some paperwork.Meredith stares at him,still looking dazed.) Meredith:That was amazing Derek:Mmmm. Meredith:You practicen cadavers,you observe,and you think you know what you're goingto feel like standing over that table,butthat wassucha high Derek looks at her properly now and nods. Meredith:I don't know why anybody does drugs Derek:(nodding slightly,looking tired)Yeah Meredith:(smiling)Yeah. Derek:(smiling back a bit)I should go do this Meredith:You should Derek:(going)I'l see you around.(Fade to Meredith sitting outside the OR, dazed. Cristina walks through the door and turns back.) Cristina: It was a good surgery. Meredith: Yeah. (Hour 48. Cristina sits and sighs.) Cristina: We don't have to do that thing where I say something, and then you say something, and then somebody cries, and there's like a moment. Meredith: Yuck. Cristina: Good. You should get some sleep. You look like crap. Meredith: I look better than you. Cristina: It's not possible.(leaves) (Derek comes through the same door, stops at a desk to do some paperwork. Meredith stares at him, still looking dazed.) Meredith: That was amazing. Derek: Mmmm. Meredith: You practice on cadavers, you observe, and you think you know what you're going to feel like standing over that table, but.that was such a high. Derek looks at her properly now and nods. Meredith: I don't know why anybody does drugs. Derek: (nodding slightly, looking tired) Yeah. Meredith: (smiling) Yeah. Derek: (smiling back a bit) I should go do this. Meredith: You should. Derek: (going) I'll see you around
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