Alex:Uh.yes,sir.(pulls notebook out of pocket) Webber:From your head.Not rm inyour head Name the common causes of post-op fever. Alex:Uh.the common causes of post-op. Webber:(loudly)Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever? (Everybody stops,one girl pulls out her notebook.) Meredith:Wind,water,wound,walking,wonder drugs.The five Ws.Most of the time it's wind, splinting or pneumonia.Pneumonia's easy to assume,especially if you're too busy to do the tests. Webber:(gives Alex a pointed look,then to Meredith)What do you think's wrong with 4B? Meredith:The fourth W,walking.I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary ambulus. Webber:How would you diagnose? Meredith:Spiral CT,VQscan,provide 2,dose with Heparin,and consult for an IVC filter. Webber:(tAlex)Do exactly as she says,then tell your resident that Iwant you off this case.(o Meredith)I'd know you anywhere,you're the spitting image of your mother.Welcome to the gang. (Cut to Katie'ssurgery.Meredith is there.) Derek:All right everybody,it's a beautiful night tosavelives,let's have some fun. Meredith voiceover:I can't think of any one reason whyl want to be a surgeon.But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit. (Cutto Bailey sleeping and Izzie walking towards her again.) Meredith VO:They make it hard on purpose.There are lives in our hands. (Cut to the surgery.) Meredith VO:There comesamoment when it's more than just a game.And you either take tha step forward,or turn around and walk away.(Cristina is seen watching from the gallery.Sheppard waves Meredith over to look through the magnifiers at what's happening.)I could quit.But here's the thing:Ilove the playing field. Alex: Uh.yes, sir. (pulls notebook out of pocket) Webber: From your head. Not from a book. Don't look it up, learn it, it should be in your head. Name the common causes of post-op fever. Alex: Uh.the common causes of post-op. Webber: (loudly) Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever? (Everybody stops, one girl pulls out her notebook.) Meredith: Wind, water, wound, walking, wonder drugs. The five Ws. Most of the time it's wind, splinting or pneumonia. Pneumonia's easy to assume, especially if you're too busy to do the tests. Webber: (gives Alex a pointed look, then to Meredith) What do you think's wrong with 4B? Meredith: The fourth W, walking. I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary ambulus. Webber: How would you diagnose? Meredith: Spiral CT, VQ scan, provide O2, dose with Heparin, and consult for an IVC filter. Webber: (to Alex) Do exactly as she says, then tell your resident that I want you off this case. (to Meredith) I'd know you anywhere, you're the spitting image of your mother. Welcome to the gang. (Cut to Katie's surgery. Meredith is there.) Derek: All right everybody, it's a beautiful night to save lives, let's have some fun. Meredith voiceover: I can't think of any one reason why I want to be a surgeon. But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit. (Cut to Bailey sleeping and Izzie walking towards her again.) Meredith VO: They make it hard on purpose. There are lives in our hands. (Cut to the surgery.) Meredith VO: There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away. (Cristina is seen watching from the gallery. Sheppard waves Meredith over to look through the magnifiers at what's happening.) I could quit. But here's the thing: I love the playing field
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