教学大纲(2014年) (课程网站请见:htp/ /jpkc fudan. edu.cn/s/377 main. htm) 2014年校级精品课程 课程名称:改变生活的生物技术 课程代码:BOL110035 授课教师:吕红教授 周学时: 授课对象:本科生 教学目的 很少有一门技术能够像生物技术那样,对人类社会产生了如此重大的影响。 我们日常享用的美酒佳肴中就蕴含着古老生物技术的智慧。伴随着20世纪分子生 物学的蓬勃发展,新兴的生物技术在更多领域为人类社会继续造福:包括疾病诊 断,粮食增产,石油开采,药物研制等等。生物技术产业是新兴的朝阳产业。虽 然第一个现代生物技术公司直到1972年才建立,但仅仅十年之后,生物技术产业 市场的规模就超过了600亿美元。本课程将向每一位对生物技术好奇的同学阐述 生物技术的发展历程以及最新的研究进展。你不需要任何的背景知识,你会为生 物技术给我们生活带来的变革而感到震惊,更会被那些热衷于生物学技术的科学 家的奋斗历程所感染。生物技术已经走进我们的生活,在衣食住行,生老病死诸 多方面改变着我们的生活。 Biotechnology is the one of the few technologies that have significantl impacted and changed the human society. For example, our everyday cuisine and drinks are embedded with the essence of traditional biotechnology. Accompanying with the blooming of the molecular biology in the 20th century, modern biotechnology keeps benefiting the human beings in many aspects: such as disease diagnosis, food production, oil exploration, drug discovery, etc. Industry of biotechnology is rising quickly. Although the first biotechnology company was established in 1972, it only took 10 years for size of the biotechnology market to exceed 60 billion dollars. This course will introduce the history and the latest progress of the biotechnology. No background knowledge is required. Any studen who is interested in this topic is warmly welcomed. You will not only be surprised by the great change brought by the biotechnology, but will also教学大纲(2014年) (课程网站请见:http://jpkc.fudan.edu.cn/s/377/main.htm) 2014年校级精品课程 课程名称: 改变生活的生物技术 课程代码:BIOL110035 授课教师: 吕红 教授 周学时: 2 授课对象:本科生 教学目的: 很少有一门技术能够像生物技术那样,对人类社会产生了如此重大的影响。 我们日常享用的美酒佳肴中就蕴含着古老生物技术的智慧。伴随着20世纪分子生 物学的蓬勃发展,新兴的生物技术在更多领域为人类社会继续造福:包括疾病诊 断,粮食增产,石油开采,药物研制等等。生物技术产业是新兴的朝阳产业。虽 然第一个现代生物技术公司直到1972年才建立,但仅仅十年之后,生物技术产业 市场的规模就超过了600亿美元。本课程将向每一位对生物技术好奇的同学阐述 生物技术的发展历程以及最新的研究进展。你不需要任何的背景知识,你会为生 物技术给我们生活带来的变革而感到震惊,更会被那些热衷于生物学技术的科学 家的奋斗历程所感染。生物技术已经走进我们的生活,在衣食住行,生老病死诸 多方面改变着我们的生活。 Biotechnology is the one of the few technologies that have significantly impacted and changed the human society. For example, our everyday cuisine and drinks are embedded with the essence of traditional biotechnology. Accompanying with the blooming of the molecular biology in the 20th century, modern biotechnology keeps benefiting the human beings in many aspects: such as disease diagnosis, food production, oil exploration, drug discovery, etc. Industry of biotechnology is rising quickly. Although the first biotechnology company was established in 1972, it only took 10 years for size of the biotechnology market to exceed 60 billion dollars. This course will introduce the history and the latest progress of the biotechnology. No background knowledge is required. Any student who is interested in this topic is warmly welcomed. You will not only be surprised by the great change brought by the biotechnology, but will also
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