Translate the following letter into English: Dear Miss Chen, 4月17日来信收悉,谢谢。您想住 Thank you for your letter of April 在我们饭店渡过假日,我们很高兴。 17th.We are pleased that you want to 根据您的需求,随信附上饭店的小册 spend your holidays at our hotel.As 子,您可以从中了解有关我们饭店价 格方面的详情。由于进入旺季,这段 requested,I enclose a copy of our 时间订房的人可能很多,因此我们建 brochure in which you will find full 议您尽快预订。 details of out charges.As we are now 我们期待着您光临本饭店。 entering the busy season and as 根据您的需求:as requested bookings for this period are likely to be 随信附上:enclose heavy,we would recommend you to 小册子:brochure make your reservation without delay. 可能:sb.is likely to do sth. We are looking forward to welcoming 建议:recommend sb.to do sth. you to our hotel. 预订:make a reservation Yours faithfully 期待:look forward to(什n.or ving) 1717 Translate the following letter into English: 4月17日来信收悉,谢谢。您想住 在我们饭店渡过假日,我们很高兴。 根据您的需求,随信附上饭店的小册 子,您可以从中了解有关我们饭店价 格方面的详情。由于进入旺季,这段 时间订房的人可能很多,因此我们建 议您尽快预订 我们期待着您光临本饭店。 根据您的需求:as requested 随信附上: enclose 小册子:brochure 可能: sb. is likely to do sth. 建议: recommend sb. to do sth. 预订: make a reservation 期待: look forward to (+ n. or ving) Dear Miss Chen, Thank you for your letter of April 17th .We are pleased that you want to spend your holidays at our hotel. As requested, I enclose a copy of our brochure in which you will find full details of out charges. As we are now entering the busy season and as bookings for this period are likely to be heavy, we would recommend you to make your reservation without delay. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our hotel. Yours faithfully
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