(1)目前,我们仍然大量使用信件进行(①We are still widely using letters for business 业务交往,因为它们安全可靠,且费 communication because of the safety and low 用低。 cost. (2)一封商务信写得正确与否,将会给 2) Whether it is correct or incorrect to write a 你的合作者留下深刻的印象。 business letter will leave a deep impression on your partners. (3)在不同的国家里,书写信头时日期 (3)In different countries,the expression of the 的表达法也不尽相同,千万别混淆。 date is also not the same while writing a letter (4)写信时应尽量避免使用缩写形式, heading,so don't be confused with the usage 除非在对方来信中已出现过。 in dating letters. (5)在商务信件中不可把与业务无关的 (4)Try to avoid using abbreviations in a letter 事写在信中,以免造成误会。 unless they appear in the coming one. (5)Keep unrelated matters out of your business (6)总而言之,现代商务信件更倾向于 letters so as not to make a misunde rstanding. 使用口语化的而不是正式的文体。 (6)In a word,the present business letters tend to (7)视收信人与发信人的关系来选用不 the colloquial style and not the formal one. 同的信尾套语。 (7)There are a number of complimentary closes (8)要写好一封商务信件,必须全面考 available in terms of the various relationships 虑其措辞,以防用词不当,伤害了对 between senders and receivers. 方,并造成不良 (8)To write a business letter perfectly,we should consider it fully.Otherwise,the receiver will get hurt by misusing the words. 1616 (1)目前,我们仍然大量使用信件进行 业务交往,因为它们安全可靠,且费 用低。 (2)一封商务信写得正确与否,将会给 你的合作者留下深刻的印象。 (3)在不同的国家里,书写信头时日期 的表达法也不尽相同,千万别混淆。 (4)写信时应尽量避免使用缩写形式, 除非在对方来信中已出现过。 (5)在商务信件中不可把与业务无关的 事写在信中,以免造成误会。 (6)总而言之,现代商务信件更倾向于 使用口语化的而不是正式的文体。 (7)视收信人与发信人的关系来选用不 同的信尾套语。 (8)要写好一封商务信件,必须全面考 虑其措辞,以防用词不当,伤害了对 方,并造成不良 (l) We are still widely using letters for business communication because of the safety and low cost. (2) Whether it is correct or incorrect to write a business letter will leave a deep impression on your partners. (3) In different countries, the expression of the date is also not the same while writing a letter heading, so don't be confused with the usage in dating letters. (4) Try to avoid using abbreviations in a letter unless they appear in the coming one. (5) Keep unrelated matters out of your business letters so as not to make a misunderstanding. (6) In a word, the present business letters tend to the colloquial style and not the formal one. (7) There are a number of complimentary closes available in terms of the various relationships between senders and receivers. (8) To write a business letter perfectly, we should consider it fully. Otherwise, the receiver will get hurt by misusing the words
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