闽东一带居住的畲族民众不仅能歌善舞,迎 亲习俗也十分独特热闹。平和县三平村和 延平区漳湖镇,有着崇蛇习俗,视蛇为神, 与蛇共寝,或供奉于庙堂。 She people living in eastern Fujian are not only good at singing and dancing but unique and fun-loving in their wedding ceremonies.Among others,the snake worshiping custom at Sanping Village of Pinghe County and Zhanghu Town of Yanping District is enchanting.Regarding the snake as god,the folks there sleep with the snake and worship it in the temples.闽东一带居住的畲族民众不仅能歌善舞,迎 亲习俗也十分独特热闹。平和县三平村和 延平区漳湖镇,有着崇蛇习俗,视蛇为神, 与蛇共寝,或供奉于庙堂。 She people living in eastern Fujian are not only good at singing and dancing but unique and fun-loving in their wedding ceremonies. Among others, the snake worshiping custom at Sanping Village of Pinghe County and Zhanghu Town of Yanping District is enchanting. Regarding the snake as god, the folks there sleep with the snake and worship it in the temples
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