VI.Local customs in Fujian
VI. Local customs in Fujian
Preparation:Words and Expressions 通人性knowing and feeling 民风淳朴simplicity of local people “博饼”游戏the“Moon Cake Game”popular in Xiamen and Taiwan during the Mid-Autumn Festival 延平闽蛇崇拜民俗the folk custom of snake worship in Yanping of North Fujian 忠安斋薯熊秦爱磊: 色彩鲜艳,露出肚皮,黑色 呈喇叭形展开)H'an women's unique dressing (bright and tight,belly- baring cropped tops and low-rise black flared trousers/bells cropped tops.紧身短上衣(very short,.usually tight,tops worn by a girl or a woman) low-rise低腰裤(of trousers)cut so as to fit low on the hips rather than on the waist)
Preparation:Words and Expressions 通人性knowing and feeling 民风淳朴simplicity of local people “博饼”游戏 the “Moon Cake Game” popular in Xiamen and Taiwan during the Mid-Autumn Festival 延平闽蛇崇拜民俗the folk custom of snake worship in Yanping of North Fujian 惠安女服饰(上衣紧而短,色彩鲜艳,露出肚皮,黑色 的长裤裤腰低及臀部,呈喇叭形展开)Hui’an women’s unique dressing (bright and tight, bellybaring cropped tops and low-rise black flared trousers/bells cropped tops 紧身短上衣(very short, usually tight, tops worn by a girl or a woman) low-rise 低腰裤 (of trousers) cut so as to fit low on the hips rather than on the waist)
民俗学家folklorist 畲族独特的凤服和凤发the She people's unique“phoenix dress'”and“phoenix hairdo” 山歌folk songs “歌言”"singing talks” 社交功能social function 祭祀礼仪sacrificial ceremonies 拗九节(孝九节)Aogao or Haogao Festival(Festival of Filial Piety) 逢九岁数age containing the overt/explict or covert/implicit "9" 将乐擂茶C将茶叶和一些配料如芝麻、生姜、盐等放进擂 钵里擂碎而成擂茶)Jiangle Pestled Tea(tea leaves and other ingredients like sesame,ginger and salt pestled in a mortar) “男客酒女客茶”While wines and liquors are for male guests,it is customarily in Jiangle to entertain female guests with pestled tea
民俗学家 folklorist 畲族独特的凤服和凤发the She people’s unique “phoenix dress” and “phoenix hairdo” 山歌folk songs “歌言”"singing talks" 社交功能social function 祭祀礼仪sacrificial ceremonies 拗九节(孝九节) Aogao or Haogao Festival (Festival of Filial Piety) 逢九岁数 age containing the overt/explict or covert/implicit "9" 将乐擂茶(将茶叶和一些配料如芝麻、生姜、盐等放进擂 钵里擂碎而成擂茶) Jiangle Pestled Tea (tea leaves and other ingredients like sesame, ginger and salt pestled in a mortar) “男客酒女客茶” While wines and liquors are for male guests, it is customarily in Jiangle to entertain female guests with pestled tea
福建是个多民族的省份,除汉族外,还有畲、回 蒙、高山等31个少数民族。各族人民在长期的 生活、劳动中,形成了多姿多彩的民俗风情。 最富特色的盛行于泉州、福州的正月十五“元 宵灯节”,始于唐末五代、盛行于全省各地 的五月初五“端午赛龙舟”。 Besides the Han,31 ethnic groups live in Fujian,including the She,the Hui,the Mongol and the Gaoshan.(Fujian is home to 31 ethnic groups including.besides the Han.)The folk customs are reflections of their life and work.For instance,both Quanzhou and Fuzhou have the "Lantern Festival"on the night of the 15th of the first lunar month,while the "Dragon Boat Festival"on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month,which started in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties,is widespread all over the province
福建是个多民族的省份,除汉族外,还有畲、回、 蒙、高山等31个少数民族。各族人民在长期的 生活、劳动中,形成了多姿多彩的民俗风情。 最富特色的盛行于泉州、福州的正月十五“元 宵灯节” , 始于唐末五代、盛行于全省各地 的五月初五“端午赛龙舟” 。 Besides the Han, 31 ethnic groups live in Fujian, including the She, the Hui, the Mongol and the Gaoshan. (Fujian is home to 31 ethnic groups including.besides the Han.) The folk customs are reflections of their life and work. For instance, both Quanzhou and Fuzhou have the “Lantern Festival” on the night of the 15th of the first lunar month, while the “Dragon Boat Festival” on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, which started in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, is widespread all over the province
福建惠安沿海一带妇女,服装飘逸奇异, 上衣紧而短,色彩鲜艳,露出肚皮,黑 色的长裤裤腰低及臀部,呈喇叭形展开, 称之为“惠女服饰”。引起许多民俗学 家和观光客的浓厚兴趣。 Hui-an of south Fujian coast is known for local women's unique dressing of bright and tight,belly-baring cropped tops and low-rise black flared trousers/bells,which fascinates the folklorists and tourists
福建惠安沿海一带妇女,服装飘逸奇异, 上衣紧而短,色彩鲜艳,露出肚皮,黑 色的长裤裤腰低及臀部,呈喇叭形展开, 称之为“惠女服饰”。引起许多民俗学 家和观光客的浓厚兴趣。 Hui-an of south Fujian coast is known for local women’s unique dressing of bright and tight, belly-baring cropped tops and low-rise black flared trousers/bells, which fascinates the folklorists and tourists
闽东一带居住的畲族民众不仅能歌善舞,迎 亲习俗也十分独特热闹。平和县三平村和 延平区漳湖镇,有着崇蛇习俗,视蛇为神, 与蛇共寝,或供奉于庙堂。 She people living in eastern Fujian are not only good at singing and dancing but unique and fun-loving in their wedding ceremonies.Among others,the snake worshiping custom at Sanping Village of Pinghe County and Zhanghu Town of Yanping District is enchanting.Regarding the snake as god,the folks there sleep with the snake and worship it in the temples
闽东一带居住的畲族民众不仅能歌善舞,迎 亲习俗也十分独特热闹。平和县三平村和 延平区漳湖镇,有着崇蛇习俗,视蛇为神, 与蛇共寝,或供奉于庙堂。 She people living in eastern Fujian are not only good at singing and dancing but unique and fun-loving in their wedding ceremonies. Among others, the snake worshiping custom at Sanping Village of Pinghe County and Zhanghu Town of Yanping District is enchanting. Regarding the snake as god, the folks there sleep with the snake and worship it in the temples
闽东周宁县的浦源村,在小溪中饲养鲤鱼 从不捕食,鱼通人性,温顺驯良,因而 人鱼同乐,民风淳朴,吸引了不少慕名 观光的游客。 Another worthy custom is found at Puyuan Village of Zhouning County in East Fujian,where carps are fed in the narrow brook and are never fished.The tamed fish seem knowing and feeling and are in such harmony with human beings. Tourists are attracted by this touching phenomenon as well as the simplicity of local people
闽东周宁县的浦源村,在小溪中饲养鲤鱼, 从不捕食,鱼通人性,温顺驯良,因而 人鱼同乐,民风淳朴,吸引了不少慕名 观光的游客。 Another worthy custom is found at Puyuan Village of Zhouning County in East Fujian, where carps are fed in the narrow brook and are never fished. The tamed fish seem knowing and feeling and are in such harmony with human beings. Tourists are attracted by this touching phenomenon as well as the simplicity of local people
山的儿女爱唱山歌。畲家称山歌为“歌這”,头为”歌宣 叩天就开,歌言雨雨就来”,具看无边的威力和目 大的社交功能。男女青年交际、恋爱要唱山歌,亲戚之 间往来要唱四歌,婚嫁丧彝要唱山歌,祭祀礼仪和对 进行思想扇德教育和文化技艺传授也要用到山歌。 畲 民社会生活的方方面面都离不开山歌。 Many Chinese ethnic groups call their folk songs "mountain songs."As children of the mountain,the She are fervent about their "mountain songs."They call their folk songs "singing talks,"saying that "the singing talks will open the sky,and summon the rain."She folk songs have some very important social functions.They are sung when a young man and a young woman date, when the members of a clan come together,at weddings and funerals,in sacrificial ceremonies,and when the children are educated by their adults in moral or practical problems-indeed folk songs seem to play a role in every aspect of She society
山的儿女爱唱山歌。畲家称山歌为“歌言”,认为”歌言 叩天天就开,歌言叩雨雨就来”,具有无边的威力和巨 大的社交功能。男女青年交际、恋爱要唱山歌,亲戚之 间往来要唱山歌,婚嫁丧葬要唱山歌,祭祀礼仪和对子 女进行思想品德教育和文化技艺传授也要用到山歌。畲 民社会生活的方方面面都离不开山歌。 Many Chinese ethnic groups call their folk songs "mountain songs." As children of the mountain, the She are fervent about their "mountain songs." They call their folk songs "singing talks," saying that "the singing talks will open the sky, and summon the rain." She folk songs have some very important social functions. They are sung when a young man and a young woman date, when the members of a clan come together, at weddings and funerals, in sacrificial ceremonies, and when the children are educated by their adults in moral or practical problems - indeed folk songs seem to play a role in every aspect of She society
正月廿九拗九节,又叫孝九节,是福州特 有的时俗。 The 29th day of the first month of the lunar calendar marks a special traditional festival observed in Fuzhou,that is,the "Aogao Festival",or "Filial Piety Festival
正月廿九拗九节,又叫孝九节,是福州特 有的时俗。 The 29th day of the first month of the lunar calendar marks a special traditional festival observed in Fuzhou, that is, the “Aogao Festival”, or “Filial Piety Festival
拗九节出自 “目连救母”的传说, 目连的母亲关在牢房 ” 桂圆 红枣、 这是何物?目连 “这是物垢(与九同音)粥”。福州方言拗垢 是航脏的意思,看守信以为真,不敢再截吃 合 其母才得以食。 The festival comes from the legend of "Mu Lian Rescuing His Mother"which says that when Mulian's mother was in jail,all the food he sent to her was eaten by the guard.Then an idea struck him.By mixing up sticky rice with water chestnuts,peanuts,dried longan,dates and brown sugar,he prepared a kind of sugared congee. When once again he was asked what he had brought to his mother,Mulian replied,"Aogao Congee."In Fuzhou dialect,"aogao"('gao'bearing the same pronunciation as '9')means "dirty"and the guard, accepting what he said as true,never ate the congee again
拗九节出自“目连救母”的传说,目连的母亲关在牢房 里,他送去的饭菜均被看守人截留去吃。后来,他想 出一个办法,用糯米、荸荠、花生、桂圆、红枣、红 糖等混合煮成糖稀饭。狱卒问道:“这是何物?目连” 回答:“这是拗垢(与九同音)粥”。福州方言拗垢 就是肮脏的意思。看守信以为真,不敢再截吃这拗九 粥,其母才得以食。 The festival comes from the legend of “Mu Lian Rescuing His Mother” which says that when Mulian's mother was in jail, all the food he sent to her was eaten by the guard. Then an idea struck him. By mixing up sticky rice with water chestnuts, peanuts, dried longan, dates and brown sugar, he prepared a kind of sugared congee. When once again he was asked what he had brought to his mother, Mulian replied, "Aogao Congee." In Fuzhou dialect, "aogao"(‘gao’ bearing the same pronunciation as ‘9’ ) means "dirty" and the guard, accepting what he said as true, never ate the congee again