VII.Local Dishes in Fujian
VII. Local Dishes in Fujian
Preparation:Words and Expressions 福州肉燕Rouyan,or wonton of Fuzhou style (The wrapper is made of meat and sweet potato starch instead of flour) 福州名菜“太平燕”Rouyan(Fuzhou-style wonton)and duck egg soup,also known as “peace swallow wonton and duck eggsoup” (The dish is most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings and New Year's Eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck) 锅边糊Guobian soup(the main ingredient is rice that is stuck to the side of the wok);wok- sticker soup 国宴佳肴dishes for the state banquet 佛跳墙Buddha-Jumping-Over-the-Wall
Preparation:Words and Expressions 福州肉燕Rouyan, or wonton of Fuzhou style (The wrapper is made of meat and sweet potato starch instead of flour) 福州名菜“太平燕” Rouyan (Fuzhou-style wonton) and duck egg soup, also known as “peace swallow wonton and duck eggsoup” (The dish is most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings and New Year’s Eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck) 锅边糊Guobian soup (the main ingredient is rice that is stuck to the side of the wok); woksticker soup 国宴佳肴dishes for the state banquet 佛跳墙Buddha-Jumping-Over-the-Wall
鱼翅shark'sfn 海参sea cucumber 猪蹄筋pork tendon 干贝scallop 鲍鱼abalone 鸽蛋pigeon egg 冬笋bamboo shoots 香葱spring onion 姜片ginger 冰糖crystal sugar 香料spicery
鱼翅shark’s fin 海参 sea cucumber 猪蹄筋pork tendon 干贝scallop 鲍鱼abalone 鸽蛋pigeon egg 冬笋bamboo shoots 香葱spring onion 姜片ginger 冰糖crystal sugar 香料spicery
鸡汤海蚌Clam in Chicken Soup 面线糊thin/thread noodle soup 汉宫姜母鸭duck with ginger of the Han- Dynasty palace recipe 土笋冻jellied Tusun(a kind of seafood) 韭菜盒chives cakes 文公菜Scholar's Delight,.a dish associated with Zhu Xi,a great philosopher of the Song dynasty 白斩河田鸡Hetian instant-boiled chicken 继光饼(宁德)Jiguang cakes(in honor of the national hero Qi Jiguang)
鸡汤海蚌Clam in Chicken Soup 面线糊thin/thread noodle soup 汉宫姜母鸭duck with ginger of the HanDynasty palace recipe 土笋冻jellied Tusun (a kind of seafood) 韭菜盒chives cakes 文公菜Scholar’s Delight, a dish associated with Zhu Xi, a great philosopher of the Song dynasty 白斩河田鸡Hetian instant-boiled chicken 继光饼(宁德)Jiguang cakes ( in honor of the national hero Qi Jiguang)
建莲Jianning lotus seeds 油焗红蟳oiled steamed crab 漳州猫仔粥Zhangzhou-style meat and vegetable congee (back translation) 漳州手抓面Zhangzhou-style noodles roll with spiced bean-curd 芋包mashed taro buns 薛荔冻local herb jelly 苦楮糕wild nut cake
建莲Jianning lotus seeds 油焗红蟳oiled steamed crab 漳州猫仔粥 Zhangzhou-style meat and vegetable congee (back translation) 漳州手抓面Zhangzhou-style noodles roll with spiced bean-curd 芋包mashed taro buns 薛荔冻local herb jelly 苦楮糕wild nut cake
太平燕 “太平燕”是福州最著名的一道地方风味菜肴 这道汤食的主料为肉燕加鸭蛋。“肉燕”也叫 扁肉燕”,即肉燕皮”包馅、圆实散尾形 香青馄饕 “警蛋分套福州友宣中与压 同音,俗称太平,固有太平舞”之称。 Rouyan (Fuzhou-style wonton)and duck egg soup Rouyan (Fuzhou-style wonton)and duck egg soup,also known as "peace swallow wonton soup",is one of Fuzhou's best-known special dishes.Shaped like a swallow and made of Rouyan wrapper and pork stuffing,Rouyan gets another name of“swallow wonton”,while duck eggs pronounce almost the same as “avoid trouble”or“peace"”in Fuzhou dialect, hence the name of the dish
太平燕 “太平燕”是福州最著名的一道地方风味菜肴。 这道汤食的主料为肉燕加鸭蛋。“肉燕”也叫 “扁肉燕”,即“肉燕皮”包馅、圆头散尾形 似春燕的馄饨;“鸭蛋”在福州方言中与“压 乱”同音,俗称太平,固有“太平燕”之称。 Rouyan (Fuzhou-style wonton) and duck egg soup Rouyan (Fuzhou-style wonton) and duck egg soup, also known as “peace swallow wonton soup”, is one of Fuzhou’s best-known special dishes. Shaped like a swallow and made of Rouyan wrapper and pork stuffing, Rouyan gets another name of “swallow wonton”, while duck eggs pronounce almost the same as “avoid trouble” or “peace” in Fuzhou dialect, hence the name of the dish
“太平燕”是福州风俗中的喜庆大菜,逢年过节,婚丧喜 庆,亲友聚别,福州人必吃“太平燕”,即取其“太 平”、“平安”之吉利,故“无燕不成宴,无燕不成 年”。其重要性比鱼丸更甚,在福州文化中有平安、 富贵、团圆、兴旺等独特的象征意义。 The dish is auspicious by local custom and most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings,birthday banquets and New Year's Eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck.There is even a saying that goes "There would be no feast or New Year's Eve without peace swallow wonton and duck egg soup". Symbolic of peace,fortune,family reunion and prosperity in Fuzhou culture,the dish is more valued than fish ball,another special local dish of Fuzhou
“太平燕”是福州风俗中的喜庆大菜,逢年过节,婚丧喜 庆,亲友聚别,福州人必吃“太平燕” ,即取其“太 平” 、 “平安”之吉利,故“无燕不成宴,无燕不成 年” 。其重要性比鱼丸更甚,在福州文化中有平安、 富贵、团圆、兴旺等独特的象征意义。 The dish is auspicious by local custom and most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings, birthday banquets and New Year’s Eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck. There is even a saying that goes “There would be no feast or New Year’s Eve without peace swallow wonton and duck egg soup”. Symbolic of peace, fortune, family reunion and prosperity in Fuzhou culture, the dish is more valued than fish ball, another special local dish of Fuzhou
“肉燕”形状虽与“馄饨”类似,但馄饨皮 是面粉做的,而肉燕皮主要原料为精选猪 瘦肉加上适量的番薯粉反复敲打制成。薄 如白纸,其色如玉,口感滑嫩,韧而有筋 备受海内外乡亲的喜爱推崇。 Different from ordinary wonton,Rouyan is wrapped by a paper-thin sheet made of a mixture of pounded minced pork and sweet potato starch instead of flour. Deliciously smooth,tender and chewy, Rouyan is loved by people home and abroad
“肉燕”形状虽与“馄饨”类似,但馄饨皮 是面粉做的,而肉燕皮主要原料为精选猪 瘦肉加上适量的番薯粉反复敲打制成。薄 如白纸,其色如玉,口感滑嫩,韧而有筋, 备受海内外乡亲的喜爱推崇。 Different from ordinary wonton, Rouyan is wrapped by a paper-thin sheet made of a mixture of pounded minced pork and sweet potato starch instead of flour. Deliciously smooth, tender and chewy, Rouyan is loved by people home and abroad
“佛跳墙”是福州传统名菜, 居闽菜之冠。选用 鱼翅、海参、鸡脯、 鸭肉、猪蹄筋、 羊鑫过 干员、鲍鱼、鸽蛋等20多种主要原料, 务冒含配霞琴多常建鞋出兰盘装 入坛中煨制而成。 Buddha-Jumps-Over-the-Wall is a traditional dish of Fuzhou as well as Fujian's Number 1 special dish,carefully prepared with shark's fin,sea cucumber,chicken,duck,pork tendon, lamb,scallop,abalone,pigeon eggs and more than 20 other choice ingredients,stewed in an aged wine together with mushroom,bamboo shoots,spring onion,ginger,crystal sugar and many kinds of spicery
“佛跳墙”是福州传统名菜,居闽菜之冠。选用 鱼翅、海参、鸡脯、鸭肉、猪蹄筋、羊肘、 干贝、鲍鱼、鸽蛋等20多种主要原料,经过 分别处理,配以香菇、冬笋、香葱、姜片、 冰糖、茴香、桂皮等多种佐料与老酒一道装 入坛中煨制而成。 Buddha-Jumps-Over-the-Wall is a traditional dish of Fuzhou as well as Fujian’s Number 1 special dish, carefully prepared with shark’s fin, sea cucumber, chicken, duck, pork tendon, lamb, scallop, abalone, pigeon eggs and more than 20 other choice ingredients, stewed in an aged wine together with mushroom, bamboo shoots, spring onion, ginger, crystal sugar and many kinds of spicery
传四言昊: 据传清光绪年间(1875~1908年)为福 浓香四溢,刚巧隔墙有寺,春 隔墙和尚垂涎欲滴,于是不顾 后使切 清规戒律,越墙而入,吃了满满 豌,即所谓:“坛启荤香飘四邻 佛闻弃禅跳墙来。”因此得名。 The recipe is said to be the invention of Zheng Chunfa,a chef with Quchunyuan (All-Spring) Restaurant in Fuzhou in the Qing Dynasty over 100 years ago.A monk in the next-door temple was so entranced by the stew's aroma that, even though he was a vegetarian,he leaped the wall for a bowl full of this irresistible dish, hence the name of the dish
据传清光绪年间(1875~1908年)为福 州聚春园厨师郑春发所创。启坛后 浓香四溢,刚巧隔墙有寺,香气使 隔墙和尚垂涎欲滴,于是不顾一切 清规戒律,越墙而入,吃了满满一 碗,即所谓:“坛启荤香飘四邻, 佛闻弃禅跳墙来。 ”因此得名。 The recipe is said to be the invention of Zheng Chunfa, a chef with Quchunyuan (All-Spring) Restaurant in Fuzhou in the Qing Dynasty over 100 years ago. A monk in the next-door temple was so entranced by the stew’s aroma that, even though he was a vegetarian, he leaped the wall for a bowl full of this irresistible dish, hence the name of the dish