III.Basic Information about Fujian
III. Basic Information about Fujian
Preparation:Words and Expressions: 东经longitude Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian(本初子午线)at Greenwich, England,to the meridian passing through a position,expressed in degrees (or hours), minutes,and seconds
Preparation: Words and Expressions: 东经 longitude Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian(本初子午线) at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees (or hours), minutes, and seconds
北纬Latitude Angular distance north or south of the equator.It is used to express a geographic location on a map, represented by horizontal lines 八山一水一分田“eighty per cent of mountains,ten per cent of waters and ten per cent of farmland";mountains occupy 80%of Fujian's land,waters 10%,and fields another 10%;8 parts mountain,1 part waters,and 1 part farmland
北纬Latitude Angular distance north or south of the equator. It is used to express a geographic location on a map, represented by horizontal lines. 八山一水一分田 “eighty per cent of mountains, ten per cent of waters and ten per cent of farmland”; mountains occupy 80% of Fujian’s land, waters 10%, and fields another 10%; 8 parts mountain, 1 part waters, and 1 part farmland
海里nautical mile 季风气候monsoon climate 少数民族ethnic groups(instead of“minority nationality) 手艺人artisan 闽方言系Fujian dialect system 客赣方言系Hakka-Jiangxi dialect system 锯齿状的indented,divided or edged with a zigzag line 不冻不淤ice-free and silt-free 牵线木偶marionette 国际租界international settlement 郑成功Koxinga 又名(亦称)aka,also known as
海里nautical mile 季风气候monsoon climate 少数民族ethnic groups ( instead of “minority nationality”) 手艺人artisan 闽方言系Fujian dialect system 客赣方言系Hakka-Jiangxi dialect system 锯齿状的indented, divided or edged with a zigzag line 不冻不淤ice-free and silt-free 牵线木偶marionette 国际租界international settlement 郑成功Koxinga 又名(亦称) aka; also known as
福建精神”一“爱国爱乡、海纳百川 乐善好施、敢拼会赢” "Fujian Spirit"of Patriotism,Benevolence. Enterprise and Open-mindedness. Or:"Fujian Spirit"of benevolence, enterprise,open-mindedness and love of home and motherland
“福建精神”——“爱国爱乡、海纳百川、 乐善好施、敢拼会赢” “Fujian Spirit” of Patriotism, Benevolence, Enterprise and Open-mindedness. Or: “Fujian Spirit” of benevolence, enterprise, open-mindedness and love of home and motherland
西方文献通常把郑成功称为“国姓爷” Western history books generally refer to Zheng Chenggong as 'Koxinga'. (In the reign of Emperor Longwu (1645-1646)1602- 1646,of the late Ming dynasty,he granted Zheng the name of the imperial family Zhu,and Koxinga'is the phonetic translation of国姓 'in south Fujian dialect.) “明末隆武帝曾赐郑成功姓朱,故郑成功又被称 为‘国姓爷’。英文中的国姓爷系按闽南话拼 写。”《读书》,1997.11
西方文献通常把郑成功称为“国姓爷” Western history books generally refer to Zheng Chenggong as ‘Koxinga’ . (In the reign of Emperor Longwu (1645-1646) 1602- 1646, of the late Ming dynasty, he granted Zheng the name of the imperial family Zhu, and ‘Koxinga’ is the phonetic translation of ‘国姓 爷’in south Fujian dialect.) “明末隆武帝曾赐郑成功姓朱,故郑成功又被称 为‘国姓爷’。英文中的国姓爷系按闽南话拼 写。” 《读书》,1997.11
◆地理 福建省位于中国大陆的东南沿海,地处东 经115°50'-120°43',北纬23°30- 28°22之间,东西宽约540公里,南北 长约550公里。陆地面积12.38万平方公 里,其中山地面积占75%,丘陵面积占 15%,平原面积占10%,素有“八山一 水一分田”之称。北与浙江省相邻,南 与广东省接壤,西连江西省,东濒台湾 海峡,与台湾省隔海相望,和台湾本岛 海上最近距离为72海里
地理 福建省位于中国大陆的东南沿海,地处东 经115°50′-120°43′,北纬23°30′- 28°22′之间,东西宽约540公里,南北 长约550公里。陆地面积12.38万平方公 里,其中山地面积占75%,丘陵面积占 15%,平原面积占10%,素有“八山一 水一分田”之称。北与浙江省相邻,南 与广东省接壤,西连江西省,东濒台湾 海峡,与台湾省隔海相望,和台湾本岛 海上最近距离为72海里
福建省地处亚热带,属亚热带海洋性 季风气候,气候温暖、雨量充沛, 年平均气温7℃一21℃。年降雨量 1,400-2,000毫米,无霜期240一330 天。 Comments: 福建 “八山一水一分田
福建省地处亚热带,属亚热带海洋性 季风气候,气候温暖、雨量充沛, 年平均气温l7℃-21℃。年降雨量 1,400-2,000毫米,无霜期240-330 天。 Comments: 福建 “八山一水一分田
人口 福建省人口3440万。福建人民多为汉族。 畲族、回族、满族、苗族、高山族是福 建省主要的少数民族。 福建大多为山区,险峻的地形造就了敢想 敢闯的福建人民。由于山多地少,很多 人选择了经商和从事手工艺(中国最好 的丝绸和陶瓷出自福建),或是到海外 闯天下。大部分华侨来自福建,原因就 在于此。旅居世界各地的华人和华侨约 100万。香港、澳门同胞123万,台湾同 胞80%祖籍福建
人口 福建省人口3440万。福建人民多为汉族。 畲族、回族、满族、苗族、高山族是福 建省主要的少数民族。 福建大多为山区,险峻的地形造就了敢想 敢闯的福建人民。由于山多地少,很多 人选择了经商和从事手工艺(中国最好 的丝绸和陶瓷出自福建),或是到海外 闯天下。大部分华侨来自福建,原因就 在于此。旅居世界各地的华人和华侨约 100万。香港、澳门同胞123万,台湾同 胞80%祖籍福建
Comments: The repetition of福建in the first sentence of the original 山多地少: 敢想敢闯的福建人民 中国最好的: 到海外闯天下: 旅居:
Comments: The repetition of 福建 in the first sentence of the original 山多地少: 敢想敢闯的福建人民: 中国最好的: 到海外闯天下: 旅居: