第四单元 论文标题与摘要翻译 Unit 3 Translation of Thesis Titles and Abstracts
第四单元 论文标题与摘要翻译 Unit 3 Translation of Thesis Titles and Abstracts
4.1语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 论文的标题:全文的高度概括 论文摘要:“以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评 论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内 容的短文。 翻译预期功能:帮助译语读者在对文章产生真实 可信感的基础上,了解文章的主题,通过简短 扼要的文字清楚了解文章的全貌和主要内容。 ◆Informative text Topic:cream of the thesis/paper,limited space,eye-catching Abstract:Briefing the reader on what the paper is about
4.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 论文的标题: 全文的高度概括 论文摘要: “以提供文献内容梗概为目的,不加评 论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内 容的短文。” 翻译预期功能: 帮助译语读者在对文章产生真实 可信感的基础上,了解文章的主题,通过简短 扼要的文字清楚了解文章的全貌和主要内容。 Informative text Topic: cream of the thesis/paper, limited space, eye-catching Abstract: Briefing the reader on what the paper is about
4.2汉英论文标题与摘要的差异及翻译原则 Differences and Translation Principles 相同之处与差异: There are many differences,but one major difference is the pragmatic one: 语用传统 -pragmatically:Use of self-depreciative phrases,more social than literal 句法 Syntatically,Chinese tends to use verbal phrases and paralell sturctures,while English uses a lot of norminal,gerund, prepositional and infinitive stuctures;
4.2汉英论文标题与摘要的差异及翻译原则 Differences and Translation Principles 相同之处与差异: There are many differences, but one major difference is the pragmatic one: 语用传统 - pragmatically: Use of self-depreciative phrases, more social than literal 句法 - Syntatically, Chinese tends to use verbal phrases and paralell sturctures, while English uses a lot of norminal, gerund, prepositional and infinitive stuctures;
In abstracts,subjectless sentences are abundantly used in Chinese while subject is always used in English; For key words of an abstract,both verbs and nouns are used in Chinese while only nouns are used in English; 时态 -Passive voice used a lot in English while active voice is dominant in Chinese Tense:lexical means used in Chinese instead of grammatical means
In abstracts, subjectless sentences are abundantly used in Chinese while subject is always used in English; For key words of an abstract, both verbs and nouns are used in Chinese while only nouns are used in English; 时态 -Passive voice used a lot in English while active voice is dominant in Chinese Tense: lexical means used in Chinese instead of grammatical means
翻译原则:清楚认识两种语言在表达方式 和行文组篇方式上的差异,做相应语用 调整,防止逐字死译注意专业术语的正 确表达;意义与内容的通达;一般现在时 -Necessary adjustment pragmatically and syntactically -correct terminology; -Conciseness and readability; -present tense
翻译原则:清楚认识两种语言在表达方式 和行文组篇方式上的差异,做相应语用 调整, 防止逐字死译;注意专业术语的正 确表达;意义与内容的通达;一般现在时 -Necessary adjustment pragmatically and syntactically ; - correct terminology; -Conciseness and readability; -present tense
4.3翻译要点Key points 4.3.1语用删减pragmatic abridgement A Tentative Discussion on.”(.初 探,试论.,浅谈.,粗谈.) “Some Thoughts on.”(对.的若干 思考);“A Few Observations on.” (对.之我见);“A Study on.” (对.问题的研究);“A Brief Analysis of.”(.刍议,浅析.)
4.3 翻译要点Key points 4.3.1语用删减pragmatic abridgement A Tentative Discussion on .”(.初 探,试论.,浅谈.,粗谈.); “Some Thoughts on.”(对.的若干 思考);“A Few Observations on.” (对.之我见);“A Study on.” (对.问题的研究);“A Brief Analysis of.”(.刍议,浅析.)
试论高校学生的政治思想工作问题 XA Tentative Discussion on Problems of Political and Ideological Work for Students of Institutions of Higher Learning On Political-Ideological Work for College Students 社会主义市场经济问题研究 On Socialist Market Economy 全球化语境下的广告翻译研究 Advertising Translation in a Global Context 论翻译与全球化 Translation and Globalization
试论高校学生的政治思想工作问题 ×A Tentative Discussion on Problems of Political and Ideological Work for Students of Institutions of Higher Learning On Political-Ideological Work for College Students 社会主义市场经济问题研究 On Socialist Market Economy 全球化语境下的广告翻译研究 Advertising Translation in a Global Context 论翻译与全球化 Translation and Globalization
试论当前高校党的建设 On Party Building at Colleges Today 本文中,作者通过长期训练和比赛实践经验,总 结研究福建女篮的防守战术。文章证明了人盯 人轮转换位紧逼防守是一种行之有效的积极防 守战术。 Abstract:Based on many years'experience of training and competing,a summary of defense tactics of Fujian Women's Basketball Team is presented.It is proved that change-position tactics in person-to-person pressure defense is an active and effective tactics
试论当前高校党的建设 On Party Building at Colleges Today 本文中,作者通过长期训练和比赛实践经验, 总 结研究福建女篮的防守战术。文章证明了人盯 人轮转换位紧逼防守是一种行之有效的积极防 守战术。 Abstract: Based on many years’ experience of training and competing, a summary of defense tactics of Fujian Women's Basketball Team is presented. It is proved that change-position tactics in person-to-person pressure defense is an active and effective tactics
4.3.2重组表层结构Reorganization of surface structure 携手开创未来推动合作共赢 Working Together toward a Common Future through Win-Win Cooperation 坚持以就业为导向调整高等教育结构 Career-oriented Approach towards Adjustment of Higher Education Structure
4.3.2重组表层结构Reorganization of surface structure 携手开创未来 推动合作共赢 Working Together toward a Common Future through Win-Win Cooperation 坚持以就业为导向 调整高等教育结构 Career-oriented Approach towards Adjustment of Higher Education Structure
摘要:在网球运动教学和训练比赛中,由于技 不结构的特点,常发生练习者肘部损伤。本文 着重阐明“网球肘”损伤发生的机理,从专业 技术上找出发生这种损伤的原因并提出预防的 猎施和对策。 Abstract:The elbow joint injury,which is also known as“tennis elbow”,usually happens in PE classes or competitions as the result of the special technical features of the tennis sport. Based on the mechanism of the elbow joint injury,the causes of the injury are described by means of technical analysis,and the ways to prevent and cure tennis elbow are suggested
摘要:在网球运动教学和训练比赛中, 由于技 术结构的特点,常发生练习者肘部损伤。 本文 着重阐明“网球肘”损伤发生的机理,从专业 技术上找出发生这种损伤的原因并提出预防的 措施和对策。 Abstract: The elbow joint injury, which is also known as “tennis elbow”, usually happens in PE classes or competitions as the result of the special technical features of the tennis sport. Based on the mechanism of the elbow joint injury, the causes of the injury are described by means of technical analysis, and the ways to prevent and cure tennis elbow are suggested