IV.Fujian in Fast Development
IV. Fujian in Fast Development
Preparation:Words and Expressions “五大战役”(重点项目建设战役、新增长区域 发展战役、城市建设战役、小城镇改革发展 战役、民生工程战役) “Five Campaigns'”concerning Fujian'sneW round of development launched by the CPC Fujian Committee,namely,construction of major projects,development of new economic growth regions,city landscaping,reform and development of small towns and project for people's well-being 继续打好“五大战役”,大干“十二五”开局 第一年 Going all out in the "Five-Campaign"drive for a good beginning of the 12th“Five-Year”Plan period
Preparation:Words and Expressions “五大战役”(重点项目建设战役、新增长区域 发展战役、城市建设战役、小城镇改革发展 战役、民生工程战役) “Five Campaigns” concerning Fujian’s new round of development launched by the CPC Fujian Committee, namely, construction of major projects, development of new economic growth regions, city landscaping, reform and development of small towns and project for people's well-being 继续打好“五大战役”,大干“十二五”开局 第一年 Going all out in the “Five-Campaign” drive for a good beginning of the 12th “Five-Year” Plan period
基础设施infrastructure 社会事业social undertakings 构筑区域经济制高点make efforts to lead in regional economy 为台海地区谋和平,为两岸同胞谋福祉 ? Seek peace for the Taiwan region and place primary emphasis on the well-being of people across the Taiwan Straits Seek peace and benefits for people across the Taiwan Straits 充分发挥对台功能优势 Fully exert /bring into full play the advantages of closer ties with Taiwan 闽南厦漳泉金三角地区 the South Fujian Triangle of coastal economic development areas of Xiamen,Zhangzhou and Quanzhou
基础设施infrastructure 社会事业 social undertakings 构筑区域经济制高点 make efforts to lead in regional economy 为台海地区谋和平,为两岸同胞谋福祉 ?Seek peace for the Taiwan region and place primary emphasis on the well-being of people across the Taiwan Straits Seek peace and benefits for people across the Taiwan Straits 充分发挥对台功能优势 Fully exert /bring into full play the advantages of closer ties with Taiwan 闽南厦漳泉金三角地区 the South Fujian Triangle of coastal economic development areas of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou
全方位、多层次、多功能的对外开放格局 a multidimensional,multi-level,multifunctional pattern of opening to the outside world 《关于支持福建省加快建设海峡西岸经济区的若 干意见》Decisions on Supporting Fujian Province to Accelerate the Building of the Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone 团队游客package travelers 四个重点产业(畜牧、水产、林竹和园艺四大主 导产业)four major sectors in agriculture: animal husbandry,horticulture,aquatic products. forestry and bamboo 电子、机械和石化三大主导产业three leading industries of electronics,machinery and petrochemicals 对接cooperation
全方位、多层次、多功能的对外开放格局 a multidimensional, multi-level, multifunctional pattern of opening to the outside world 《关于支持福建省加快建设海峡西岸经济区的若 干意见》Decisions on Supporting Fujian Province to Accelerate the Building of the Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone 团队游客package travelers 四个重点产业(畜牧、水产、林竹和园艺四大主 导产业)four major sectors in agriculture: animal husbandry, horticulture, aquatic products, forestry and bamboo 电子、机械和石化三大主导产业three leading industries of electronics, machinery and petrochemicals 对接 cooperation
改革开放后的福建 福建省地处中国大陆东南沿海,与台湾一衣带水 离港澳近在咫尺,战略地位十分重要。改革 开放30多年来,八闽大地经历了从封闭向开 放、从落后走向小康繁荣的历史性巨变,改 革迈出了决定性的步伐,对外开放成绩显著, 国民经济持续快速增长,基础设施建设取得 突破性进展,各项社会事业全面进步,社会 主义精神建设和民主法制建设取得成就,开 创了经济实力增长最快、社会生产力发展最 快、人民实际生活水平提高最快的新时期
改革开放后的福建 福建省地处中国大陆东南沿海,与台湾一衣带水, 离港澳近在咫尺,战略地位十分重要。改革 开放30多年来,八闽大地经历了从封闭向开 放、从落后走向小康繁荣的历史性巨变,改 革迈出了决定性的步伐,对外开放成绩显著, 国民经济持续快速增长,基础设施建设取得 突破性进展,各项社会事业全面进步,社会 主义精神建设和民主法制建设取得成就,开 创了经济实力增长最快、社会生产力发展最 快、人民实际生活水平提高最快的新时期
Geographically,Fujian has a very important strategic position.It is situated on the southeast coast of the Chinese mainland,facing Taiwan across the narrow Straits and near Hong Kong and Macao.In the past 30 odd years,Fujian has undergone historic changes from a poor and self-closed province to an open and prosperous one.Decisive steps have been taken in reforms and notable achievements have been made in opening up to the outside world.The past decades have seen steady and fast increase in national economy, breakthroughs in construction of infrastructure, progress in all its social undertakings and accomplishment in the promotion of socialist ethical and cultural progress as well as the building of socialist democracy and legal system.The province is now hailing a new period (good time)of fast growth in the economic strength and social productivity as well as improvement of people's living standard
Geographically, Fujian has a very important strategic position. It is situated on the southeast coast of the Chinese mainland, facing Taiwan across the narrow Straits and near Hong Kong and Macao. In the past 30 odd years, Fujian has undergone historic changes from a poor and self-closed province to an open and prosperous one. Decisive steps have been taken in reforms and notable achievements have been made in opening up to the outside world. The past decades have seen steady and fast increase in national economy, breakthroughs in construction of infrastructure, progress in all its social undertakings and accomplishment in the promotion of socialist ethical and cultural progress as well as the building of socialist democracy and legal system. The province is now hailing a new period (good time) of fast growth in the economic strength and social productivity as well as improvement of people’s living standard
继1980年10月国务院正式批准设立厦门经 济特区之后,.1984年3月福州被正式列为 全国14个沿海对外开放城市,1985年1月 批准兴办福州经济技术开发区。1985年2 月决定将闽南厦漳泉金三角地区辟为沿 海经济开发区,并两次扩大开放区范围, 至1993年底,福建沿海经济技术开发区 范围扩大到49个县(市、区),面积 53632平方公里,占全省总面积的41.9%; 人口1860万人,占全省总人口的60%
继1980年10月国务院正式批准设立厦门经 济特区之后,1984年3月福州被正式列为 全国14个沿海对外开放城市,1985年1月 批准兴办福州经济技术开发区。1985年2 月决定将闽南厦漳泉金三角地区辟为沿 海经济开发区,并两次扩大开放区范围, 至1993年底,福建沿海经济技术开发区 范围扩大到49个县(市、区),面积 53632平方公里,占全省总面积的41.9%; 人口1860万人,占全省总人口的60%
After Xiamen Special Economic Zone was approved by the State Council in October of 1980,Fuzhou was officially listed as one of the country's 14 open coastal cities in March of 1984.In January of 1985,Fuzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone was sanctioned.In February of 1985,the South Fujian Triangle of coastal economic development areas of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou was approved as an open coastal economic zone.The zone was expanded twice to cover 34 counties (cities and prefectures)in 1998,involving a population of over 22.98 million,or 69.7%of the total population
After Xiamen Special Economic Zone was approved by the State Council in October of 1980, Fuzhou was officially listed as one of the country’s 14 open coastal cities in March of 1984. In January of 1985, Fuzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone was sanctioned. In February of 1985, the South Fujian Triangle of coastal economic development areas of Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou was approved as an open coastal economic zone. The zone was expanded twice to cover 34 counties (cities and prefectures) in 1998, involving a population of over 22.98 million, or 69.7% of the total population
为了充分发挥福建对台优势,1989年5月 后,国务院先后批准在厦门海沧、杏林 集美和福州的马尾设立台商投资区,福 清融侨、东山经济技术开发区,福州马 尾、厦门象屿保税区。与此同时,福建 省政府还相应批准湄州岛、武夷山为 “对外开放旅游经济区”,批准东山县 为“创汇农业试验区”,批准石狮市为 “综合性开放试验区”,使全省形成全 方位、多层次、多功能的对外开放格局
为了充分发挥福建对台优势,1989年5月 后,国务院先后批准在厦门海沧、杏林、 集美和福州的马尾设立台商投资区,福 清融侨、东山经济技术开发区,福州马 尾、厦门象屿保税区。与此同时,福建 省政府还相应批准湄州岛、武夷山为 “对外开放旅游经济区” ,批准东山县 为“创汇农业试验区” ,批准石狮市为 “综合性开放试验区” ,使全省形成全 方位、多层次、多功能的对外开放格局
In order to fully exert its advantages in closer ties/relationship with Taiwan,the State Council since May of 1989,has approved the establishment of Taiwan investment zones at Haicang,Xinglin and Jimei of Xiamen and Mawei of Fuzhou; economic and technical development zones at Rongqiao,Fuqing and at Dongshan Island;and bonded areas at Mawei,Fuzhou and Xiangyu, Xiamen.Accordingly,Fujian provincial government has granted several other zones. namely,Meizhou Open Tourist Economic Zone, Wuyishan Open Tourist Economic Zone,Dongshan Pilot Zone for Agricultural Exports and Shishi Pilot Zone on Comprehensive Reform.A multidimensional,multilevel and multifunctional pattern of opening to the outside world has taken shape
In order to fully exert its advantages in closer ties/relationship with Taiwan, the State Council, since May of 1989, has approved the establishment of Taiwan investment zones at Haicang, Xinglin and Jimei of Xiamen and Mawei of Fuzhou; economic and technical development zones at Rongqiao, Fuqing and at Dongshan Island; and bonded areas at Mawei, Fuzhou and Xiangyu, Xiamen. Accordingly, Fujian provincial government has granted several other zones, namely, Meizhou Open Tourist Economic Zone, Wuyishan Open Tourist Economic Zone, Dongshan Pilot Zone for Agricultural Exports and Shishi Pilot Zone on Comprehensive Reform. A multidimensional, multilevel and multifunctional pattern of opening to the outside world has taken shape