图7-10体温调节自动控制示意图 思考题 1.外呼吸的呼吸商与细胞呼吸的呼吸商有何异同点及联系? 2。能用测定甲状腺激素(T,T,)的水平反映基础代谢率的高低吗? 3.试解释人精神高度紧张时能量代谢和体温的变化过程? 4急性发执(如定疾发作)时为何常表现出寒,高执和大汗眼挠的“三步曲” 5。试述热环境和冷环境中, 体温维持恒定的调节机制 案例:患者蔡某,35岁,工人。2天前因淋浴受凉后出现体温升高,体温达40.2℃,时有寒 颜,伴有流涕、咳嗽,诊断为普通感目,经服用阿司匹林后患者大汗淋漓,随后体温下降至 37.8℃. 请你解释为什么患者发热时有寒现象? 2、用退热药出汗后为什么患者的体温会下降? 3、体温的检测部位及其正常值如何?机体温度如何维持? 参考文献 1.Hilgemann DW.1997.Cytoplasmic ATP-dependent regulation of ion transporters and channels:mechanisms and messengers(Review).Annu Rev Physiol,59:193=220. 2.Matsuzawa Y.1997.Pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms of visceral fat ese experience(Review).Diabetes Metab Rev,13(1):3-13 C.Walford Rl Harder IT.000.Energy metabolis after 2 year of energy restriction:the biosphere 2 experiment.Am J Clin Nutr,72(4):946-95. 4.Jequier E,Tappy L.1999.Regulation of body weight in humans(Review).Physiol Rev, 79(2):451-80 5.Levine IA.Eberhardt N.Jensen MD.1999.Role of nonexercise activity therogenesis in resistance to fat ain in hmansSc ,283(5399):212-214 6.Ganong WI 200L.Review of medical physiology..20thed.人民卫生出版社.271-30 7.Guyton AC,Hall JE.20O2.Textbook of medical physiology.10thed.北京医料大学出 版社.772-821 8.Nakazato M,Murakami N,Date Y,et al.2001.A role for rgrelin in the central on of feeding.Nature,40( 9.Guyton AC, Textbook of Medical Physiology.10th edition, Philadelphia:WB saunders Co. 10.Lingappa VR,Farey K.2000.Physiology medicine.New York,McGraw-Hill 11.Vander A,Sherman J,Luciano D.2001.Human Physiology.8th edition,New York, McGraw-Hill 12.Shier D.Butler J,Lewis R.1999.Hole's Hman anatomy&physiology.8th edition New York,McGraw-Hill 13.Andrew Davies,Asa G.H.Blakeley,Cecil Kidd.2001.Human Physiology. Philadelphia,WB saunders. 6 图 7-10 体温调节自动控制示意图 思考题 1. 外呼吸的呼吸商与细胞呼吸的呼吸商有何异同点及联系? 2. 能用测定甲状腺激素(T3,T4)的水平反映基础代谢率的高低吗? 3. 试解释人精神高度紧张时能量代谢和体温的变化过程? 4. 急性发热(如疟疾发作)时为何常表现出寒战,高热和大汗退烧的“三步曲”。 5. 试述热环境和冷环境中,体温维持恒定的调节机制。 例:患者蔡某,35 岁,工人。2 天前因淋浴受凉后出现体温升高,体温达 40.2℃,时有寒 ,伴有流涕、咳嗽,诊断为普通感冒,经服用阿司匹林后患者大汗淋漓,随后体温下降至 .8℃。 题: 为什么患者发热时有寒颤现象? 出汗后为什么患者的体温会下降? 测部位及其正常值如何?机体温度如何维持? 考文献 Hilgemann DW. 1997.Cytoplasmic ATP-dependent regulation of ion transporters and channels: mechanisms Physiol, 59:193=220. Matsuzawa Y. 1997.Pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms of visceral fat ndrome: the Japanese experience(Review). Diabetes Metab Rev, 13(1):3-13 C,Walford RL, Harder IT.2000. Energy metabolism after 2 year of energy 2(4):946-953 ew). Physiol Rev, ivity e, 283(5399):212-214 . Ganong WF. 2001.Review of medical physiology.20th ed.人民卫生出版社.271-306 to M,Murakami N,Date Y,et al. 2001.A role for rgrelin in the central ion of feeding. Nature,409(6817):194~198. of Medical Physiology. 10th edition, New York, McGraw-Hill 1.Vander A, Sherman J, Luciano D. 2001. Human Physiology. 8th edition, New York, Graw-Hill Butler J, Lewis R. 1999. Hole's Human anatomy & physiology. 8th edition, y. 案 颤 37 问 1、请你解释 2、用退热药 3、体温的检 参 1. and messengers(Review). Annu Rev 2. sy 3. Weyer restriction:the biosphere 2 experiment.Am J Clin Nutr,7 4. Jequier E,Tappy L. 1999.Regulation of body weight in humans(Revi 79(2):451-80 5. Levine JA, Eberhardt NL, Jensen MD. 1999.Role of nonexercise act therogenesis in resistance to fat gain in humans .Scienc 6 7. Guyton AC,Hall JE. 2002.Textbook of medical physiology.10th ed.北京医科大学出 版社.772-821 8. Nakaza regulat 9.Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2000. Textbook Philadelphia: WB saunders Co. 10.Lingappa VR, Farey K. 2000. Physiology medicine. 1 Mc 12.Shier D, New York, McGraw-Hill 13. Andrew Davies, Asa G.H. Blakeley, Cecil Kidd. 2001.Human Physiolog Philadelphia, WB saunders. 6
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