14.姚泰:生理学,第5版,人民卫生出版社,2002,ISBN7-117-03893-4 15。王庭槐主编。生理学,第1版,高等教有出版社,2004北京 Summary Metabolism is used to refer to all the chemical and energy transformation occurring in the body,which consists of material metabolism and energy metabolism.Energy metabolism refer to the production,srae,transform release and utility of ry during the process of material metabolism. The carbohydrates,fats and proteins may become the source of energy of the body.These foods can be oxidized in the cell and produced large amounts ofenergy in this process.The animal organism oxidizes carbohydrates,fats and proteins principally to CO.HO and the energy sary for life proc .It has been p inted out that drates,fats and pr ins canall be used by cells to synthesize large quantities of ATP.and that the ATP can in tur be used as an energy source for many other cellular functions.including synthesis and growth.muscular contraction,glandular secretion,nerve conduction,active absorption,etc.Energy is stored by forming high energy phosphate bonds.The ATP and the creatine phosphate contain all high energy phosphate bonds.Cre atine phosphate can transfer energy interchangeably with ATP The metaboli rate can be determined by simply measuring th he quantity of heat liberated form the body by direct or indirect methods.The metabolic rate is affected by many factors The most important one is muscular exertion.The ingested food also increases the metabolic rate After a meal containing a large quantity of carbohydrate or fat.the metabolic rate usually inreases by on about However,after a meal containing large quantity of protein,the usually increases by about3%Another factor that stimulates metabolic rate is th environmental temperature.When the environmental temperature is lower than body temperature heat-conserving mechanisms such as shivering are activated and the metabolic rate rises.When the temperature is high enough to raise the body temperature,there is a general acceleration of metabolic processes.In addition.the metabolic rate is also related to body surface area.age.sex one wth hormone et Even when a person is at complete rest,considerable energy is required to perform all the chemical reactions of the body.This minimum level of energy required to exist is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).The measurement of the BMR provides a useful means of comparing one person's metabolic rate with that of another under basal conditions. core temperature is relatively niform in the core and regulated within narrow limits by negative feedback system.The body temperature in physiology means core temperature,1.e.,th mean temperature of deep body.In fact.the body temperature is usually indicated by the temperature in the armpit,the mouth (under the tongue)or the rectum.These values normally vary fiom36.0℃to37.4℃.or36.4℃to37.4℃.or36.9'℃to37.9 C respectivelv.Under normal body temperature afTected by usce activity and other factors,but does not nomally vary by more than1 Body temperature depends on the production and loss of body heat.The main organs of heat production in human body are the liver,the brain,the heart and the skeletal muscles.The production of heat occurs through basic metabolism and muscle activity and is controlled by14. 姚泰:生理学,第 5 版,人民卫生出版社,2002,ISBN 7-117-03893-4 15. 王庭槐主编. 生理学,第 1 版,高等教育出版社,2004 北京 Summary Metabolism is used to refer to all the chemical and energy transformation occurring in the body, which consists of material metabolism and energy metabolism. Energy metabolism refer ydrates, fats and proteins may become the source of energy of the body. These lly to CO2, H2O and the energy ntities of ATP, and that the ATP can in turn be used as an scular ergy phosphate bonds. The ATP and the creatine phosphate contain all high energy n be determined by simply measuring the quantity of heat liberated xertion. The ingested food also increases the metabolic rate . rate usually quantity of protein, the etabolic rate usually increases by about 30%. Another factor that stimulates metabolic rate is the emperature. When the environmental temperature is lower than body temperature , mechanisms such as shivering are activated and the metabolic rate rises. When the te hen a person is at complete rest, considerable energy is required to perform all the chemi nder normal condit to the production, storage, transform, release and utility of energy during the process of material metabolism. The carboh foods can be oxidized in the cell and produced large amounts of energy in this process. The animal organism oxidizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins principa necessary for life processes. It has been pointed out that carbohydrates, fats and proteins can all be used by cells to synthesize large qua energy source for many other cellular functions, including synthesis and growth, mu contraction, glandular secretion, nerve conduction, active absorption, etc. Energy is stored by forming high en phosphate bonds. Creatine phosphate can transfer energy interchangeably with ATP. The metabolic rate ca form the body by direct or indirect methods.The metabolic rate is affected by many factors .The most important one is muscular e After a meal containing a large quantity of carbohydrate or fat, the metabolic increases by only about 4%. However, after a meal containing large m environmental t heat-conserving mperature is high enough to raise the body temperature, there is a general acceleration of metabolic processes. In addition, the metabolic rate is also related to body surface area, age, sex and hormones such as thyroid hormone, epinephrine and norepinephrine, growth hormone etc. Even w cal reactions of the body. This minimum level of energy required to exist is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The measurement of the BMR provides a useful means of comparing one person's metabolic rate with that of another under basal conditions. The temperature of human body includes core temperature and the shell temperature. The core temperature is relatively uniform in the core and is regulated within narrow limits by a negative feedback system. The body temperature in physiology means core temperature, i.e., the mean temperature of deep body. In fact, the body temperature is usually indicated by the temperature in the armpit, the mouth (under the tongue) or the rectum. These values normally vary from 36.0℃ to 37.4℃, or 36.4℃ to 37.4℃, or 36.9℃ to 37.9℃ respectively. U ions, the body temperature is easily affected by day and night, sex, age, muscle activity and other factors, but does not normally vary by more than 1℃. Body temperature depends on the production and loss of body heat. The main organs of heat production in human body are the liver, the brain, the heart and the skeletal muscles. The production of heat occurs through basic metabolism and muscle activity and is controlled by 7
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