Before 1)Look at the title and the 1)Help the students 1)To prepare 1 Step2 reading: picture,predict the story, know the key words with necessary Get to know and get to know some key words necessary pictures and vocabulary for Reading some new or of the story. other information of the reading. i important the words. words and expressions t 2)The“matching” 2)-4)To do more While 2)Skim for the main idea exercise is designed to reading reading: check. practice and Use some 3)Read for detail further develop reading 3)Some questions are the students' skills to given. reading skills. read the 4)Listen to the recording and story. practice reading aloud on 4)Play the recording their own. and invite some Ss to read aloud. After 5)Think and talk:What is Tom 5)Inspire the Ss to 5)To prepare for reading: like in the story? think of the the writing part Discussion characteristics of Tom of the unit. Sawyer. Ask the Ss to retell the story if possible. Step3 Choose the words and fill in Some vocabulary To have a better Word Study the blanks in the sentences. exercise is designed understanding 白 Word and given to the of the useful i study students. words and n expressions in the lesson. t Step4 1)Read the culture corner 1)Show the students To arouse the Culture about “Adventures of some information about students' Culture Corner huckleberry Finn",and answer another story about interest to read Corner & some questions about it. Mark Twain. more about the & Assignment 2)Assignment:Surf the famous western Assign- 2)Go home and search for more Internet to find more writer Mark t ment information. things about Mark Twain and his Twain.Then write a works. report about it.Step 2 Reading Before reading: Get to know some new or important words and expressions While reading: Use some reading skills to read the story. After reading: Discussion 1)Look at the title and the picture, predict the story, and get to know some key words of the story. 2)Skim for the main idea 3)Read for detail 4) Listen to the recording and practice reading aloud on their own. 5) Think and talk: What is Tom like in the story? 1) Help the students know the key words with necessary pictures and other information of the words. 2) The “matching” exercise is designed to check. 3)Some questions are given. 4)Play the recording and invite some Ss to read aloud. 5)Inspire the Ss to think of the characteristics of Tom Sawyer. Ask the Ss to retell the story if possible. 1)To prepare necessary vocabulary for the reading. 2)-4) To do more reading practice and further develop the students’ reading skills. 5)To prepare for the writing part of the unit. 1 5 m i n u t e s Step 3 Word study Word Study Choose the words and fill in the blanks in the sentences. Some vocabulary exercise is designed and given to the students. To have a better understanding of the useful words and expressions in the lesson. 7 m i n u t e s Step 4 Culture Corner & Assign- ment Culture Corner & Assignment 1)Read the culture corner about “Adventures of huckleberry Finn”, and answer some questions about it. 2)Go home and search for more information. 1)Show the students some information about another story about Mark Twain. 2)Assignment: Surf the Internet to find more things about Mark Twain. Then write a report about it. To arouse the students’ interest to read more about the famous western writer Mark Twain and his works. 8 m i n u t e s
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