"Reverse"Cycles:heat pump Best possible performance for a heat pump cycle: ·Carnot Cycle! Ymax= TH TH-To 国 What is the difference between a.)Refrigeration/Air Conditioning,and b.)Heat Pumping? WARM WARM house environment ● The objective of a refrigerator is to remove heat (QL)from the cold 2n=destred output medium; Whet.in=required input HP Wet.n=required input ● The objective of a heat pump is to 2L=desired output QL supply heat (QH)to a warm COLD medium refrigerated COLD space environment (a)Refrigerator (b)Heat pump 上游充通大率 May11,2018 16 SHANGHAI BAO TONG LINIERSITYMay 11, 2018 16 “Reverse” Cycles: heat pump Best possible performance for a heat pump cycle: • Carnot Cycle! What is the difference between a.) Refrigeration/Air Conditioning, and b.) Heat Pumping?  The objective of a refrigerator is to remove heat ( Q L) from the cold medium;  The objective of a heat pump is to supply heat ( Q H) to a warm medium
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