参考文献 [1]Akerlof,George."The Market for Lemons:Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism." Quarterly Journal of Economics.84 (3),pp.488-500,August 1970. [2]Akerlof,George."Procrastination and Obedience."American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. Richard T.Ely Lecture.81 (1),pp.1-19,May 1991. [3]Arrow,Kenneth,and Frank Hahn.General Competitive Analysis.Amsterdam:North-Holland, 1971. [4]Black,Duncan.The Theory of Committees and Elections.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1958 [5]Cheung,Steven N.S.The Theory of Share Tenancy.Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1969. [6]Coase,Ronald."The Problem of Social Cost."Journal of Law and Economics,3,pp.1- 44,0 ctober,1960. [7]Debreu,Gerald.Theory of Value.New Haven:Yale University Press,1972. [8]Diamond,Douglas,and Philip Dybvig."Bank Runs,Deposit Insurance,and Liquidity." Journal of Political Economy,91 (3),pp.401-419,June 1983. [9]Fama,Eugene."Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm."Journal of Political Economy, 88(2),pp.288-307,Apri11980. [10]Grossman,Gene,and Elhanan Helpman.Special Interest Politics.Cambridge,MA:MIT Press.2001. [11]Grossman,Sanford,and 0liver Hart."The Costs and Benefits of Ownership:A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration."Journal of Political Economy,94 (4),pp.691-719,August 1986. [12]Hart,0liver,and John Moore."Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm."Journal of Political Economy,98 (6),pp.1119-1158,December 1990. [13]Holmstrom,Bengt."Managerial Incentive Problems --A Dynamic Perspective."Review of Economic Studies.66(1),pp.169-182,January 1999. [14]Jensen,Michael,and William H.Meckling."Theory of the Firm:Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure,Journal of Financial Economics,3(4 )pp.305-360, October 1976. [15]La Porta,Rafael,Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes,Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny. "Investor Protection and Corporate Governance."Journal of Financial Economics.58(1),pp. 1-25,0 ctober2000. [16]Laffont,Jean-Jacques,and Jean Tirole."Using Cost Observations to Regulate Firms." Journal of Political Economy.94 (3),pp.614-641,June 1986. 1414 参考文献 [1] Akerlof George. “The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.” Quarterly Journal of Economics. 84 3 pp. 488-500 August 1970. [2] Akerlof George. “Procrastination and Obedience.” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. Richard T. Ely Lecture. 81 1 pp. 1-19 May 1991. [3] Arrow Kenneth and Frank Hahn. General Competitive Analysis. Amsterdam: North-Holland 1971. [4] Black Duncan. The Theory of Committees and Elections. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1958. [5] Cheung Steven N.S. The Theory of Share Tenancy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1969. [6] Coase Ronald. “The Problem of Social Cost.” Journal of Law and Economics 3 pp. 1- 44 October 1960. [7] Debreu Gerald. Theory of Value. New Haven: Yale University Press 1972. [8] Diamond Douglas and Philip Dybvig. “Bank Runs Deposit Insurance and Liquidity.” Journal of Political Economy 91 3 pp. 401-419 June 1983. [9] Fama Eugene. “Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm.” Journal of Political Economy 88 2 pp. 288-307 April 1980. [10] Grossman Gene and Elhanan Helpman. Special Interest Politics. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. 2001. [11] Grossman Sanford and Oliver Hart. “The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration.” Journal of Political Economy 94 4 pp. 691-719 August 1986. [12] Hart Oliver and John Moore. “Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm.” Journal of Political Economy 98 6 pp. 1119-1158 December 1990. [13] Holmstrom Bengt. “Managerial Incentive Problems -- A Dynamic Perspective.” Review of Economic Studies. 66 1 pp. 169-182 January 1999. [14] Jensen Michael and William H. Meckling. “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior Agency Costs and Ownership Structure ” Journal of Financial Economics 3 4 pp. 305-360 October 1976. [15] La Porta Rafael Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny. “Investor Protection and Corporate Governance.” Journal of Financial Economics. 58 1 pp. 1-25 October 2000. [16] Laffont Jean-Jacques and Jean Tirole. “Using Cost Observations to Regulate Firms.” Journal of Political Economy. 94 3 pp. 614-641 June 1986
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