Unit2 Survival New Words顺序朗读新单词 survive v. to continueto live;to endure or last;to continue in existence after(an adversity, etc.) 生存,生还,幸存 securityn. the state of being free from danger or injury 安全 reinforce . to make stronger 加强,增援 relief n. the feeling that comes when something burdensomeis removed or reduced;the condition of being comfortable or relieved(especially after being relieved of distress) 减轻,解除,教济 adaptation n. the process of adapting to something(such as environmental conditions) 适应 rescue v.to savefrom harm or danger 解救,营救 n.an act of rescuing,recovery or preservation from loss or danger 解救,救援 executev. to put in effect;to carry out or perform an action 实行,完成,进行 effective a. able to accomplish a purpose 有效的 crisis n. an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty 危急关头,危机 lessen v. to decrease in size,extent,or range 减少,变小,减轻 disruptive a characterized by unrest,disorder or insubordination 捣乱的,破坏性的,制造混乱的 Unit 2 Survival New Words 顺序朗读新单词 survive v. to continue to live; to endure or last; to continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.) 生存,生还,幸存 securityn. the state of being free from danger or injury 安全 reinforce v. to make stronger 加强,增援 relief n. the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress) 减轻,解除,救济 adaptation n. the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) 适应 rescue v. to save from harm or danger 解救,营救 n. an act of rescuing, recovery or preservation from loss or danger 解救,救援 executev. to put in effect; to carry out or perform an action 实行,完成,进行 effective a. able to accomplish a purpose 有效的 crisis n. an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty 危急关头,危机 lessen v. to decrease in size, extent, or range 减少,变小,减轻 disruptive a. characterized by unrest, disorder or insubordination 捣乱的,破坏性的,制造混乱的
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