B none Pronoun A.any C.a little D.some 11.Each ofus should do _duty. Choose the right one of the four suggested answers in each of the following sentences: A.his B.our C.each's D.one's 1.From time to time we must look up words l2."Then about Smith's great novels."“Who」 has read his great novels can A.meaning of which we don't know forget their fascination?" B.whose meanings we are not familiar A.who B.that C.which D.whoever C.we do not know their meanings 13.The outer ear and the ear canal are subject to all of the various disorders D.whose meanings we do not know 2.The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions the sources A.that affect the skin B.affect the skin C.the skin affects D.the skin is affected and validity of what 14."Is this your book?""No,it isn't.It is A.it is known as human knowledge A.her B.her's C.she's D.hers B.is known as human knowledge 15.It is one best sellers. C.known human knowledge A.of them B.ofthose C.of this D.oftheir D.is human knowledge known 16.Because they usually receive the same score on the examinations,there is often 3."What did John do last year?""I hear taught English” disagreement as to is the better student,Bob or Helen. A.he B.his C.he is D.him A.who B.which C.whom D.whose 4."What do you think about these cakes?""I'd like to have 17.Their decisions to leave the corporation were entirely A.some other B.another C.the other D.other A.by them B.their own C.made themselves D.of their self-doing 5.Thanks to modern irrigation,crops now grow abundantly in areas where once 18."Which jackets are yours?""Let me see. cacti and sagebrush could live. A.What are in the hall closet B.They are in the hall closet A.nor B.not the C.none other D.nothing but C.The jackets in the hall closet D.The ones in the hall closet 6.A number is an abstraction no physical existence. 19.There will always remain some citizens A.has B.that has C.to have D.which it has A.which will support it B.whoever will accept the idea 7.Journalists are writers _gathering and presenting news. C.who just don't care enough to exercise their franchise A.themselves and engage B.being engaged they are D.that ideas he accepted C.they are engaged in D.who are engaged in 20."Did Jack and Tom understand her?""No. of them is very bright." 8."What is the assignment?""I don't know,I didn't hear ” A.Not either B.Not one D.No one A.what the professor said B.what the professor says 21.AI1 is a continuous supply of oil. C.that the professor said D.which the professor says A.what is needed B.that is needed C.which is needed D.for their needs 9.The use of radar as well as the two-way radio for the police to intercept 22.James Cook also discovered the Hawaiian Island. most speeders. A.by exploring the South Sea he reached Australia A.make it possible B.makes it possible C.make possible D.make it a possibility B.explored the South Sea and reaching Australia 10.The students are planning to go on a trip,but of them will be staying home. C.who explored the South Sea and reached Australia Pronoun Choose the right one of the four suggested answers in each of the following sentences: 1. From time to time we must look up words _. A. meaning of which we don’t know B. whose meanings we are not familiar C. we do not know their meanings D. whose meanings we do not know 2. The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what _. A. it is known as human knowledge B. is known as human knowledge C. known human knowledge D. is human knowledge known 3. “What did John do last year?” “I hear _ taught English.” A. he B. his C. he is D. him 4. “What do you think about these cakes?” “I’d like to have _.” A. some other B. another C. the other D. other 5. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once _ cacti and sagebrush could live. A. nor B. not the C. none other D. nothing but 6. A number is an abstraction _ no physical existence. A. has B. that has C. to have D. which it has 7. Journalists are writers _ gathering and presenting news. A. themselves and engage B. being engaged they are C. they are engaged in D. who are engaged in 8. “What is the assignment?” “I don’t know; I didn’t hear _.” A. what the professor said B. what the professor says C. that the professor said D. which the professor says 9. The use of radar as well as the two-way radio _ for the police to intercept most speeders. A. make it possible B. makes it possible C. make possible D. make it a possibility 10. The students are planning to go on a trip, but _ of them will be staying home. A. any B. none C. a little D. some 11. Each of us should do _ duty. A. his B. our C. each’s D. one’s 12. “Then about Smith’s great novels.” “Who _ has read his great novels can forget their fascination?” A. who B. that C. which D. whoever 13. The outer ear and the ear canal are subject to all of the various disorders _. A. that affect the skin B. affect the skin C. the skin affects D. the skin is affected 14. “Is this your book?” “No, it isn’t. It is _.” A. her B. her’s C. she’s D. hers 15. It is one _ best sellers. A. of them B. of those C. of this D. of their 16. Because they usually receive the same score on the examinations, there is often disagreement as to _ is the better student, Bob or Helen. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 17. Their decisions to leave the corporation were entirely _. A. by them B. their own C. made themselves D. of their self-doing 18. “Which jackets are yours?” “Let me see. _.” A. What are in the hall closet B. They are in the hall closet C. The jackets in the hall closet D. The ones in the hall closet 19. There will always remain some citizens _. A. which will support it B. whoever will accept the idea C. who just don’t care enough to exercise their franchise D. that ideas he accepted 20. “Did Jack and Tom understand her?” “No. _ of them is very bright.” A. Not either B. Not one C. Neither D. No one 21. All _ is a continuous supply of oil. A. what is needed B. that is needed C. which is needed D. for their needs 22. James Cook, _, also discovered the Hawaiian Island. A. by exploring the South Sea he reached Australia B. explored the South Sea and reaching Australia C. who explored the South Sea and reached Australia
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