D.explored the South Sea then reached Australiaa 34.Collecting stamps was a hobby 23. Rhodesia's wealth was founded on tobacco. A.which he found real pleasing to him A.Like the American South B.As the American South B.pursuing which he got much pleasure C.Like that of the American South D.As was the American South C.that gave him a lot ofpleasure 24.The play has stared.I wonder how long ago D.that gave him a great deal of pleasure A.did it begin B.it began C.was it beginning D.it was begun 35.Is the climate of Italy 25."Did you see any foreigner present at the party?"He was the only foreigner A.similar like Florida B.somewhat similar to Florida I saw at the party." C.so much like Florida D.somewhat like that Florida A.whom B.that C.who D.which 36.Sometimes to place physics and chemistry into separate categories 26.The farmer used wood to build a house to store grains. A.difficult B.is difficult C.it is difficult D.that is difficult A.with which B.where C.which D.in which 37.Do you have my passport,Tom”“Yes,I have right here." 27.Mr.Bundy is so strange today.And your manners A one B.one passport C it D.thi A.like this is B.are like his C.like he is D.like him are 38.Croquet is a popular lawn game players hit wooden balls through wire 28.The couple looked at and accepted the salesgirl's offer. arches called wickets. A.each other B.each one C.the other D.themselves A.when B.which C.in when D.in which 29.How long will it take you 39.Mary thoroughly understood the society A.finishing the work B.in order to finish the work A.she had grown up B.which she had grown up in C.so as to finish the work D.to finish the work C.in which she had grown up D.she had grown up in it 30.According to this account,he was a tender,home-loving father 40."What do you think about the boy?r“The boy」 I believed to be honest A.who likes to play with his children deceived me. B.whom loved totell his children stories A who B.what C.which D.whom C.who liked to be with his children 41.Now the libraries differ greatly from D.who enjoys being with his children A.the past B.those of the past C.that are past D.those past 31.His salary as a bus driver is much higher 42.Pasteurization is a heating process bacteria in milk. A.in comparison with the salary of a teacher A.kills B.that kills C.that it kills D.that kills it B.than a teacher 43.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, C.than that ofa teacher communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. D.to compare as a teacher A.who B.thev C.however D.furthermore 32."Do you want to see my driver's license or my passport?""Oh, 44."We walked twenty miles today.""I never guessed you could have walked A.either does well B.either one will do C.each one is good D.each will be fine far" 33. only after she understood microphysics that Dr.Week could complete her A.this B.such C.that D.as experiments in molecular biology. 45."Does she enjoy riding?""Yes,but she likes horses are tame." A.It was B.Itis C.There were D.There are A.whose B.they C.what D.thatD. explored the South Sea then reached Australiaa 23. _, Rhodesia’s wealth was founded on tobacco. A. Like the American South B. As the American South C. Like that of the American South D.As was the American South 24. The play has stared. I wonder how long ago _. A. did it begin B. it began C. was it beginning D. it was begun 25. “Did you see any foreigner present at the party?” “He was the only foreigner _ I saw at the party.” A. whom B. that C. who D. which 26. The farmer used wood to build a house _ to store grains. A. with which B. where C. which D. in which 27. Mr. Bundy is so strange today. And your manners _ too. A. like this is B. are like his C. like he is D. like him are 28. The couple looked at _ and accepted the salesgirl’s offer. A. each other B. each one C. the other D. themselves 29. How long will it take you _? A. finishing the work B.in order to finish the work C. so as to finish the work D.to finish the work 30. According to this account, he was a tender, home-loving father _. A. who likes to play with his children B. whom loved to tell his children stories C. who liked to be with his children D. who enjoys being with his children 31. His salary as a bus driver is much higher _. A. in comparison with the salary of a teacher B. than a teacher C. than that of a teacher D. to compare as a teacher 32. “Do you want to see my driver’s license or my passport?” “Oh, _.” A. either does well B. either one will do C. each one is good D. each will be fine 33. _ only after she understood microphysics that Dr. Week could complete her experiments in molecular biology. A. It was B. It is C. There were D. There are 34. Collecting stamps was a hobby _. A. which he found real pleasing to him B. pursuing which he got much pleasure C. that gave him a lot of pleasure D. that gave him a great deal of pleasure 35. Is the climate of Italy _? A. similar like Florida B. somewhat similar to Florida C. so much like Florida D. somewhat like that Florida 36. Sometimes _ to place physics and chemistry into separate categories. A. difficult B. is difficult C. it is difficult D. that is difficult 37. “Do you have my passport, Tom?” “Yes, I have _ right here.” A. one B. one passport C. it D. this 38. Croquet is a popular lawn game _ players hit wooden balls through wire arches called wickets. A. when B. which C. in when D. in which 39. Mary thoroughly understood the society _. A. she had grown up B.which she had grown up in C. in which she had grown up D.she had grown up in it 40. “What do you think about the boy?” “The boy _ I believed to be honest deceived me.” A. who B. what C. which D. whom 41. Now the libraries differ greatly from _. A. the past B. those of the past C. that are past D. those past 42. Pasteurization is a heating process _ bacteria in milk. A. kills B. that kills C. that it kills D. that kills it 43. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language,_ communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. A. who B. they C. however D. furthermore 44. “We walked twenty miles today.” “I never guessed you could have walked _ far.” A. this B. such C. that D. as 45. “Does she enjoy riding?” “Yes, but she likes horses _ are tame.” A. whose B. they C. what D. that
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