A.German old ones B.old German ones 46."Is this your book?""No,it isn't.It's C.old German D.old Germans A.he B.he is C.theirs D.him 57.I don't take Smith's pen because I don't like 47.An air brake is the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from A.that pen ofhim B.his that pen C.that his pen D.that pen of his A.a brake used to B.what any brake is used 58.Every person present stated opinion conceming the election. C.that brake is used for D.a brake that uses A.his B.theirs C.its D.their 48."Anything wrong?""There was no objection on the part of present." 59.Catches of salmons run in a cycle of three years and A.those B.this C.these D.who A.two of them bad B.twoyears being bad C.two bad ones D.twothat are bad 49. as much as one-third of all timber harvested is not used. 60.I have not found my book yet;I am not sure I could have done with done A.The estimate that B.It is estimated that C.The estimate D.They are engaged in with it. 50."Do you have a TV set?""Yes, A.what B.where C.whether D.when A.I have one B.I certain have C.I have it D.Idid 61.Steam turbines which weigh produce the same amount of power. 51.When you study the important influences on a person's life,you must consider A.less than piston engines and B.piston engines are less than C.in piston engines less than D.less than piston engines A.the surrounding environment where he grew up 62.“As for your going along with me,.”she said,“ B.the environmental factors in his growing A.either my husband or I certainly have no objection C.his growth asto theenvironment B.either I or my husband certainly have no objection D.the environment in which he grew up C.my husband and myself certainly have no objection 52.I wonder D.certainly my husband and I have no objection A.how much these shoes cost B.how much cost these shoes 63.Venus is perpetually covered by thick,opaque clouds the planet's surface C.how much do these shoes cost D.how much are these shoes cost from view. 53. other big cats,leopards are expert climbers. A.that shield B.that they shield C.the shield is D.they shield A.They are unlike most B.Unlike most 64."Shall I mail this letter for you?""Yes,I'd appreciate C.The most unlike D.Unlike the most A.this B.that you do C.it D.you to doit 54.The first settlers of Jamestown lived on wild berries and roots because they had .to eat. 65.Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis has won Grammy awards for his recordings of A.something other B.none other jazz and classical music. C.nothing else D.anything else A.together B.both C.also D.the two 55.After the mill bumed down,the villagers were forced to grind 66.It is considered that the moon contains all the elements found on earth,including A.their own flour B.its own flour C.the flour of theirs D.the flour of their own A.those required to generate nuclear energy 56."Does the museum have any antique cars?""Yes,it has two B.elements for generate of nuclear energy 46. “Is this your book?” “No, it isn’t. It’s _.” A. he B. he is C. theirs D. him 47. An air brake is _ the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from turning. A. a brake used to B. what any brake is used C. that brake is used for D. a brake that uses 48. “Anything wrong?” “There was no objection on the part of _ present.” A. those B. this C. these D. who 49. _ as much as one-third of all timber harvested is not used. A. The estimate that B. It is estimated that C. The estimate D. They are engaged in 50. “Do you have a TV set?” “Yes, _.” A. I have one B. I certain have C. I have it D. I did 51. When you study the important influences on a person’s life, you must consider _. A. the surrounding environment where he grew up B. the environmental factors in his growing C. his growth as to the environment D. the environment in which he grew up 52. I wonder _. A. how much these shoes cost B. how much cost these shoes C. how much do these shoes cost D. how much are these shoes cost 53. _ other big cats, leopards are expert climbers. A. They are unlike most B. Unlike most C. The most unlike D. Unlike the most 54. The first settlers of Jamestown lived on wild berries and roots because they had _ to eat. A. something other B. none other C. nothing else D. anything else 55. After the mill burned down, the villagers were forced to grind _. A. their own flour B. its own flour C. the flour of theirs D. the flour of their own 56. “Does the museum have any antique cars?” “Yes, it has two _.” A. German old ones B. old German ones C. old German D. old Germans 57. I don’t take Smith’s pen because I don’t like _. A. that pen of him B. his that pen C. that his pen D. that pen of his 58. Every person present stated _ opinion concerning the election. A. his B. theirs C. its D. their 59. Catches of salmons run in a cycle of three years and _. A. two of them bad B. two years being bad C. two bad ones D. two that are bad 60. I have not found my book yet; I am not sure _ I could have done with done with it. A. what B. where C. whether D. when 61. Steam turbines which weigh _ produce the same amount of power. A. less than piston engines and B. piston engines are less than C. in piston engines less than D. less than piston engines 62. “As for your going along with me,” she said, “_.” A. either my husband or I certainly have no objection B. either I or my husband certainly have no objection C. my husband and myself certainly have no objection D. certainly my husband and I have no objection 63. Venus is perpetually covered by thick, opaque clouds _ the planet’s surface from view. A. that shield B. that they shield C. the shield is D. they shield 64. “Shall I mail this letter for you?” “Yes, I’d appreciate _.” A. this B. that you do C. it D. you to do it 65. Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis has won Grammy awards for his recordings of _ jazz and classical music. A. together B. both C. also D. the two 66. It is considered that the moon contains all the elements found on earth, including _. A. those required to generate nuclear energy B. elements for generate of nuclear energy
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