C.they that are necessary for the generating of nuclear energy just about thee.” D.those are required for the generation of unclear energy A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something 78.Ironically,sails were the salvation of many steamships mechanical 67.Hay too much moisture will spoil. failures. A.containing it B.contains C that contains D.what it is containing A.suffered B.that had suffered C.they suffered D.was suffered 79.The biggest nail is the boat spike, more than a pound and is about fifteen 68."John certainly talks a lot.""Yes.He's never interested in what has to say. inches long. A.somebody else B.anyone else C.nobody else D.no one else A.which weighs B.and weighs C.how it weighs D.it weight 69. comes back first is supposed to win the prize. 80.You will never succeed in getting at the truth if you think you know ahead of A.Whoever B.The one who C.Anyone D.Those who 70.Along the rocky New England coast are small areas and gravel beach,some A.the truth before you will see it B.what the truth should be created from glacial debris, by the action ofocean storms. C.where is the truth D.what truth will likely turn out A.others build up B.upbuilding others C.others built up D.built up others 81.All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants wild. 71.The patient chiefly lived on milk and fruit because had toeat. A.once grew B.once they grew C.that once grew D.they grew once A.anything else B.nothing else C.nothing other D.something other 82.The Representative depended on 72.My father asked A.whomever was willing to support him A.John and meto help B.me and John to help C.I and John to help D.John and I to help B.whoever will support him 73.Variables such as individual and corporate behavior nearly C.whoever he wanted support impossible for economists to forecast economic trends with precision. D.whoever was willing to support him A.make B.it makes C.make it D.makes it 83.The principal responsibility of managing the dormitory rely on the students 74.The behavior of gases is explained by the kinetic theory. A.what scientists call B.what do scientists call A.themselves B.Itself C.of itself D.theirs C.scientists call it D.scientists they call 84.Mary Lyon,who from 1797 to 1849,founded Mount Holyoke College 75."You ought to ashamed of I"I blurted out just as I began to realize how in Massachusetts. distorted their comments were. A.did she live B.lived C.living D.she lived A.to be yourself B.vourself C.yourselves D.being yourself 85."What's the trouble?""The family never agree about shares of the 76.Because of the revolt,the General assumed as dictatorial role property. A.that was described at that time A.his B.their C.her D.its B.it was described then 86.Ice that has floated from the place formed is called drift ice. C.what was described at the time A.where was B.where was it C.it was where D.where it was D.what would be described for the time 87.Some of these pants go with the jackets and are sold separately. A.the other B.others C.some other D.anothers 77."The United States is certainly an interesting country,isn't it?""Yes,you can find 88.Give the job to」 you think can do it well.C. they that are necessary for the generating of nuclear energy D. those are required for the generation of unclear energy 67. Hay _ too much moisture will spoil. A. containing it B. contains C. that contains D. what it is containing 68. “John certainly talks a lot.” “Yes. He’s never interested in what _ has to say.” A. somebody else B. anyone else C. nobody else D. no one else 69. _ comes back first is supposed to win the prize. A. Whoever B. The one who C. Anyone D. Those who 70. Along the rocky New England coast are small areas and gravel beach, some created from glacial debris, _ by the action of ocean storms. A. others build up B. upbuilding others C. others built up D. built up others 71. The patient chiefly lived on milk and fruit because had _ to eat. A. anything else B. nothing else C. nothing other D. something other 72. My father asked _. A. John and me to help B. me and John to help C. I and John to help D. John and I to help 73. Variables such as individual and corporate behavior _ nearly impossible for economists to forecast economic trends with precision. A. make B. it makes C. make it D. makes it 74. The behavior of gases is explained by _ the kinetic theory. A. what scientists call B. what do scientists call C. scientists call it D. scientists they call 75. “You ought to ashamed of _!” I blurted out just as I began to realize how distorted their comments were. A. to be yourself B. yourself C. yourselves D. being yourself 76. Because of the revolt, the General assumed _ as dictatorial role. A. that was described at that time B. it was described then C. what was described at the time D. what would be described for the time 77. “The United States is certainly an interesting country, isn’t it?” “Yes, you can find just about _ there.” A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something 78. Ironically, sails were the salvation of many steamships _ mechanical failures. A. suffered B. that had suffered C. they suffered D. was suffered 79. The biggest nail is the boat spike, _ more than a pound and is about fifteen inches long. A. which weighs B. and weighs C. how it weighs D. it weight 80. You will never succeed in getting at the truth if you think you know _ ahead of time. A. the truth before you will see it B. what the truth should be C. where is the truth D. what truth will likely turn out 81. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants _ wild. A. once grew B. once they grew C. that once grew D. they grew once 82. The Representative depended on _. A. whomever was willing to support him B. whoever will support him C. whoever he wanted support D. whoever was willing to support him 83. The principal responsibility of managing the dormitory rely on the students _. A. themselves B. itself C. of itself D. theirs 84. Mary Lyon, who _ from 1797 to 1849, founded Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. A. did she live B. lived C. living D. she lived 85. “What’s the trouble?” “The family never agree about _ shares of the property.” A. his B. their C. her D. its 86. Ice that has floated from the place _ formed is called drift ice. A. where was B. where was it C. it was where D. where it was 87. Some of these pants go with the jackets and _ are sold separately. A. the other B. others C. some other D. anothers 88. Give the job to _ you think can do it well
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