a.How busy he is b.No matter however busy he is 8 How busy he is ever d.However busy he is Tom numea to the tation for fear that he his train a.migh 88 The eport on b ee's behavior written by John is superior a to Smith b.than Smith's behavior c.than Smith's d.to that of Smith 89.Since that we have satisfied you,you should have no further ABC complaints. carhere 答案与解释 81箜宝·a"tis years since."为一固定句型,表示"自从.到现在已.年了",since引导的从句 中谓语用过去时。"t that"为强调句 型,不符合此题忘 82.答案:c."hardly/scarcely.when和"no sooner.than"为固定句型,表示"-.就",前半句谓语 般要用had done,后半句一般用一般过去时。 83.答案:d.若选a,分词结构的逻辑主语应与主句主语一致,这样句意不通顺;若选b,状语从句 只有在其主语与主句主语一致时才可将其主语和be动词 一起省略: c不合语法 84.答案:b."such(so) that"都可引导结果状语从句,其格式分别为s0+adj.+art.+noun,such art.adj.noun,such adj.noun(pl.). 85.答案:a.由as,though引出的让步状语从句须倒装,其结构为"形容词/不带冠词的名词/分词/ 副词/动词+s+主语+.”。整句的话的意义为"尽管他们年轻,他们勇于承担这份艰难的工作。"b 项为表原因的状语从句,与句意不符 86,答案:d表示无论谁阿时 等"这一概念要用"no matter how/when /where/who /whom which.,"可或"how/when/where/who/whom/whichever'"来导,从句中表i语回或状语要放任主语,之 副。 87.答案:c.由"Iest/for fear that/in case that"写引导的状语从句其中的谓语动词要用(should)do. 88.答案:d.比较形式是"be superioro"或be better than”.比较级的前后对象要有可比性 John's reports要与Smith's report才可对比 89.答案:A错,改为Now that。此句意思为"既然一满足了你,你不应该再有什么抱怨了。"要用 since或now that,不可用since that. 90.答案:D错,应改为you leave。在时间、条件状语从句中应该用一般现在时表示将来的情况。a. How busy he is b. No matter however busy he is c. How busy he is ever d. However busy he is 87. Tom hurried to the station for fear that he _ his train. a. might miss b. missed c. miss d. would miss 88. The report on bee's behavior written by John is superior _. a. to Smith b. than Smith's behavior c. than Smith's d. to that of Smith 89. Since that we have satisfied you, you should have no further A B C complaints. D 90. There is a double yellow line. You'll get a parking ticket if A B C you will leave car here. D 答案与解释 81. 答案:a. "It is . years since." 为一固定句型, 表示"自从.到现在已.年了",since 引导的从句 中谓语用过去时。"It is .that" 为强调句型,不符合此题意。 82. 答案:c. "hardly/scarcely.when"和 "no sooner.than"为固定句型,表示"一.就", 前半句谓语一 般要用had done,后半句 一般用一般过去时。 83. 答案: d. 若选a, 分词结构的逻辑主语应与主句主语一致,这样句意不通顺;若选b, 状语从句 只有在其主语与主句主语一致时才可将其主语和be动词一起省略;c不合语法。 84. 答案:b. "such(so) .that" 都可引导结果状语从句,其格式分别为 so + adj. + art. + noun, such + art. + adj. + noun, such + adj. + noun(pl.)。 85. 答案:a. 由as, though引出的让步状语从句须倒装,其结构为"形容词 / 不带冠词的名词 / 分词 / 副词 / 动词 + as + 主语+ ."。整句的话的意义为"尽管他们年轻,他们勇于承担这份艰难的工作。"b 项为表原因的状语从句, 与句意不符。 86. 答案:d. 表示"无论谁/何时/.等" 这一概念要用"no matter how / when /where / who /whom /which.,"或" how /when/where/ who/whom/ whichever" 来引导, 从句中表语或状语要放在主语之 前。 87. 答案:c. 由" lest / for fear that / in case that"引导的状语从句其中的谓语动词要用(should ) do。 88. 答案: d. 比较形式是" be superior to" 或"be better than" 。比较级的前后对象要有可比性, John's report要与Smith's report才可对比。 89. 答案:A错, 改为Now that。此句意思为"既然一满足了你, 你不应该再有什么抱怨了。"要用 since或 now that, 不可用 since that。 90. 答案:D错,应改为 you leave。 在时间、条件状语从句中应该用一般现在时表示将来的情况
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