translation ofSwedish books into English 2.0 His Education Shaw briefly attended the Wesley College.Dublin,a grammar school operated by the Methodist Church in Ireland,before movingto a private school near Dalkey and then transferring to Dublin's Central Model School.He ended his formal educationat the Dublin English Scientifie and Commercial Day School.He harboured a lifelong animosity toward schools and teachers,saying:"Schools and schoolmasters,as we have them today,arenot popular as places of education and teachers,but rather prisons and turnkeys in which children are kept to prevent them disturbing and chaperoning their parents"In the astringent prologuetoCashel Byron's Profession young Byron's educational experience is a fictionalized description of 10 Shaw'sown schooldays.Later,he painstakingly detailed the reasons for his aversionto formaleducation in his Treatiseon Parents and Children.I5]In brief,he considered the standardized curriculauseless. deadeningto thespiritand stiflingto the intellect.He particularly deplored the use of corporal punishment,which was prevalent in his time. 5 When his mother left home and followed her voice teacher,Georgetranslation of Swedish books into English. 2.0 His Education Shaw briefly attended the Wesley College, Dublin, a grammar school operated by the Methodist Church in Ireland, before moving to a private school near Dalkey and then transferring to Dublin's Central Model School. He ended his formal education at the Dublin English Scientific and Commercial Day School. He harboured a lifelong animosity toward schools and teachers, saying: "Schools and schoolmasters, as we have them today, are not popular as places of education and teachers, but rather prisons and turnkeys in which children are kept to prevent them disturbing and chaperoning their parents". In the astringent prologue to Cashel Byron's Profession young Byron's educational experience is a fictionalized description of Shaw's own schooldays. Later, he painstakingly detailed the reasons for his aversion to formal education in his Treatise on Parents and Children. [5] In brief, he considered the standardized curricula useless, deadening to the spirit and stifling to the intellect. He particularly deplored the use of corporal punishment, which was prevalent in his time. When his mother left home and followed her voice teacher, George 5’ 5’ 10’ 5’
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