Vandeleur Lee,to London,Shaw was almost sixteen years old.His sisters accompanied their mothert1 but Shawremained in Dublin with his father,first as a reluctant pupil,then as a clerk in an estate office.He worked efficiently,albeit discontentedly,for severalyear 5° In 1876,Shaw joined his mother's London household.She, Vandeleur Lee,and his sister Lucy,provided him with a pounda week while he frequented public libraries and the British Museum reading room where he studied earnestly and began writing novels. He earned his allowance by ghostwriting Vandeleur Lee's music 10 column,which appeared in the London Hornet.His novels were rejected,however,so his literary earnings remained negligible until 1885,when he became self-supportingas a critic of the arts. 3.0 Novels 5 Shaw wrote five unsuccessful novels at the start ofhis career between 1879 and 1883.Eventually all were published The first to be printed was Cashel Byron's Profession(1886),1 10 which was written in 1882.Its eponymouscharacter,Cashel,a rebellious schoolboy with an unsympathetic mother,runs away to Australia where he becomes a famed prizefighter.He returns to England for a boxing match,and falls in love with erudite and Vandeleur Lee, to London, Shaw was almost sixteen years old. His sisters accompanied their mother[6] but Shaw remained in Dublin with his father, first as a reluctant pupil, then as a clerk in an estate office. He worked efficiently, albeit discontentedly, for several years. In 1876, Shaw joined his mother's London household. She, Vandeleur Lee, and his sister Lucy, provided him with a pound a week while he frequented public libraries and the British Museum reading room where he studied earnestly and began writing novels. He earned his allowance by ghostwriting Vandeleur Lee's music column, which appeared in the London Hornet. His novels were rejected, however, so his literary earnings remained negligible until 1885, when he became self-supporting as a critic of the arts. 3.0 Novels Shaw wrote five unsuccessful novels at the start of his career between 1879 and 1883. Eventually all were published. The first to be printed was Cashel Byron's Profession (1886),[31] which was written in 1882. Its eponymous character, Cashel, a rebellious schoolboy with an unsympathetic mother, runs away to Australia where he becomes a famed prizefighter. He returns to England for a boxing match, and falls in love with erudite and 5’ 10’ 5’ 10’
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