The crops survived the drought. 4.inversion of subject and verb倒装句 At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel Inside the parcel was a letter. In the distance could be seen the purple mountains. 5.an air of神态,样子 He has an air of importa The house has an air of comfor The meal gave the occasion a festive air. (if you say that sb.or sth.has a particular air,you mean that they give this general impression.) 6 smell of give out a smell of The table smelled agreeably of pine. The morning smelled of rain. 7.be scarred with a face scarred by smallpox war-scarred towns cf.scared比较:scared 8.go blind \mad:go为become变得 This material has gone a nasty color 9.judging/considering Judging from the result,he has worked hard for the team. Judging from what he said,it may be true Consi lering everything it wasn'ta bad thing Considering her age,she was active 10.attach no/little/much importance to He attached no importance to her warning. 11.have nothing/little /a lot/much in common with The Suzhou dialect has much in common with the Shanghai dialect. They have little in common with one another. In common with most Englishmen,he enjoys football 12.consist of 3 The crops survived the drought. 4.inversion of subject and verb 倒装句 At the top of the hill stood the tiny chapel. Inside the parcel was a letter. In the distance could be seen the purple mountains. 5. an air of 神态,样子 He has an air of importance. The house has an air of comfort. The meal gave the occasion a festive air. (if you say that sb. or sth. has a particular air, you mean that they give this general impression.) 6. smell of: give out a smell of The table smelled agreeably of pine. The morning smelled of rain. 7. be scarred with a face scarred by smallpox war-scarred towns cf. scared 比较:scared 8.go blind\mad: go 为 become 变得 Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. This material has gone a nasty color. 9.judging/considering Judging from the result, he has worked hard for the team. Judging from what he said, it may be true. Considering everything, it wasn‘t a bad thing. Considering her age, she was active. 10.attach no/little/much importance to He attached no importance to her warning. 11. have nothing/little /a lot/much in common with The Suzhou dialect has much in common with the Shanghai dialect. They have little in common with one another. In common with most Englishmen, he enjoys football. 12.consist of
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