Listen and See 2 5-1-2 A health psychologist talks about why we should alter our perception of stress (from TED talks) One of 1000+ °1. Play the video TEDTalks o 2. Choose some impressive remarks from the video and interpret them from English into Chinese for New ideas every weekday students, and then encourage them to retell these TED. com sentences in English o 3. Ask students to discuss in pairs For years we have been told that stress makes sick. To what extent you agree or disagree with this perspective?Listen and See 2 ◦ 5-1-2 A health psychologist talks about why we should alter our perception of stress. (from TED talks) ◦ 1. Play the video. ◦ 2. Choose some impressive remarks from the video and interpret them from English into Chinese for students; and then encourage them to retell these sentences in English. ◦ 3. Ask students to discuss in pairs: For years we have been told that stress makes us sick. To what extent you agree or disagree with this perspective?
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