Reading report and Interaction 2 Passage Two: Doing Small Acts of Kindness May Lower Your Stress 1. Everyone feels vulnerable and stressed out when he is out on a limb. Give one example of how your friends once helped relieve your stress when you encountered a difficulty 2. Ask students to talk about the passage would you expect people around you to assist you when you are stressed ress on mental well-being? How Prompts: How could helping behaviors reduce the adverse effects of stReading Report and Interaction 2 Passage Two: Doing Small Acts of Kindness May Lower Your Stress 1. Everyone feels vulnerable and stressed out when he is out on a limb. Give one example of how your friends once helped relieve your stress when you encountered a difficulty. 2. Ask students to talk about the passage Prompts: How could helping behaviors reduce the adverse effects of stress on mental well-being? How would you expect people around you to assist you when you are stressed?
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