11. from an (利他的)38.the (控制) ofeconomics viewpoint of 39. the (闯入) into medical 12. to shal (build) a career educatio (innate) abnormalities 40. to (申请) bankruptcy 14.te (矫正) surgically41 (profit)oriented managers (cure)and comfort 42 to do one fa (part) 16.te (用文献证明)ones43.the (fierce)competition (时代)of (惯常的) operations 18. (儿科的) surgery (短期的) profits 19. to establish a surgical 46 (眼前的 gratIfication (专业) 47.a (reformed 20 ate(死亡 21. rate(成活率)48. to find a new a (温柔的) touch (balance) 23 (脆弱的) emotions49to (胜于) over sth. 24. to do to(充分地发挥)50. physician 25. the human (aspect, side) 51. our highest health) of every (顶住) the critics individual 27.t (撤消) the warmings53. in the time of one's 28. to talk (严厉地)tosb (极其)need 29. the most (弱势群体)54. financial (脆弱) (高危) groups55. to set the fundamenta 31. to live (贫困) (优先) 32. on the 掌) (支付得起的 health care 33. the scientific research 无确实根据的) claims (reduced)opportunit accomplish) the 59 to (憧憬) a future historic goals with(等同于) 35.to (extend) life 61. to sb.(迎合某人) 36.to relieve) suffering 62. the (尊严) of the human 37. a new scientific condition (ad vance (切实的) resources11. from an _________________ (利他的) viewpoint of 12. to shape__________ (build) a career 13. ___________ (innate) abnormalities 14. to ______________ (矫正)surgically 15. ______________ (cure) and comfort 16. to _____________ (用文献证明) one’s successes 17. ______________ (惯常的) operations 18. ________________ (儿科的) surgery 19. to establish a surgical ___________ (专业) 20. ___________________ rate (死亡率) 21. ___________________ rate (成活率) 22. a _________________ (温柔的) touch 23. _______________ (脆弱的) emotions 24. to do ____________ to (充分地发挥…) 25. the human __________ (aspect, side) of science 26. to ______________ (顶住) the critics 27. to ____________ (撤消) the warnings 28. to talk ____________ (严厉地) to sb. 29. the most ______________ (弱势群体) 30. __________________ (高危) groups 31. to live ___________________ (贫困) 32. on the _________________ (边缘) of 33. the scientific research ___________ (界) 34. to _____________ (accomplish) the historic goals 35. to _________________ (extend) life 36. to ____________ (relieve) suffering 37. a new scientific ________________ (advance) 38. the __________ (控制) of economics 39. the ___________ (闯入) into medical education 40. to _____________ (申请) bankruptcy 41. ________ (profit) oriented managers 42. to do one fair _____________ (part) 43. the __________ (fierce) competition 44. the greatest _____________ (时代) of medical research 45. _________________ (短期的) profits 46. _____________ (眼前的) gratification 47. a ___________________ (reformed) partnership 48. to find a new __________________ (balance) 49. to _______________ (胜于) over sth. 50. physician _____________ (职业道德) 51. our highest _____________ (ideals) 52. the ____________ (health) of every individual 53. in the time of one’s _____________ (极其) need 54. financial _________________ (脆弱) 55. to set the fundamental ___________ (优先) 56. ___________ (支付得起的) health care 57. _____________ (无确实根据的) claims 58. a __________ (reduced) opportunity 59. to ________________ (憧憬) a future 60. to _________________ with (等同于) 61. to _________________ sb. (迎合某人) 62. the __________ (尊严) of the human condition 63. _______________ (切实的) resources
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