64. limitless (同情)65. whimsical and (欺骗的) 2. Grammar and Structure Acquisition Directions: Notice the boldfaced structure in each of the following statements from the two texts you have read, and have a better understand ing of its usage by imitating the particular way of writing as indicated by the 1. I spent hours with my first chemistry set, at first just making colorful solutions, then conducting what may have been some rather sophisticated experiments for ld IMITATION: I spent hours with my assignment. at first iust brainstorming by myself. then doing what may have been some rather difficult for a college student 2. I found among her treasured papers an essay that I had written as a high school 3. In the brief 40-year span of my surg ical career I witnessed a mortal ity rate of 95% become a survival rate of 95% thanks to the progress made in pediatric 4. For all of its reliance on science. med icine is also an art 5. To do full justice to my interests in science, surgery, and research, I had to apply myself not merely to curing, but also to caring 6. At the end of the 20n century the scientific research community did wonders to fulfill med icine's historic goals of prolonging life and alleviating suffering 7. What is in the best interest of the patient will begin to prevail over what is in the best interest of the health care company investors64. limitless _________________ (同情) 65. whimsical and ___________ (欺骗的) 2. Grammar and Structure Acquisition Directions: Notice the boldfaced structure in each of the following statements from the two texts you have read, and have a better understanding of its usage by imitating the particular way of writing as indicated by the example given. 1. I spent hours with my first chemistry set, at first just making colorful solutions, then conducting what may have been some rather sophisticated experiments for a 12-year-old. IMITATION: I spent hours with my assignment, at first just brainstorming by myself, then doing what may have been some rather difficult for a college student. 2. I found among her treasured papers an essay that I had written as a high school senior __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. In the brief 40-year span of my surgical career I witnessed a mortality rate of 95% become a survival rate of 95% thanks to the progress made in pediatric surgery. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. For all of its reliance on science, medicine is also an art. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. To do full justice to my interests in science, surgery, and research, I had to apply myself not merely to curing, but also to caring. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. At the end of the 20th century the scientific research community did wonders to fulfill medicine’s historic goals of prolonging life and alleviating suffering. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. What is in the best interest of the patient will begin to prevail over what is in the best interest of the health care company investors. __________________________________________________________________
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