A ketone or aldehyde group can also be named as a substituent on a molecule with another functional group as its root. The ketone carbonyl is given the prefix oxo-,and the aldehyde group is named as a formyl-group.(Especially common for carboxylic acids). 0 CH CH2-C-CH2-CHO HgC-C-CH2-CO2H CO,H 3-oxopentanal 2-formylbenzoic acid 3-oxobutanoic acid Common Names The wide spread use of carbonyl compounds means many common names are entrenched in their everyday use. E.g. 0 HgC-C-CH acetone acetophenone benzophenone Chl8 Ketones and Aldehydes (landscape) Page 5 Ch18 Ketones and Aldehydes (landscape) Page 5 A ketone or aldehyde group can also be named as a substituent on a molecule with another functional group as its root. The ketone carbonyl is given the prefix oxo-, and the aldehyde group is named as a formyl- group. (Especially common for carboxylic acids). Common Names The wide spread use of carbonyl compounds means many common names are entrenched in their everyday use. E.g. CH3CH2 C CH2 -CHO O 3-oxopentanal C CO2H O H H3C C O CH2 -CO2H 2-formylbenzoic acid 3-oxobutanoic acid H3C C CH3 O acetone C O CH3 acetophenone C O benzophenone
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