Auditor's recommendations Look At: Look For Personal Hygiene Training of contractors to meet minimum requirements 3.4 Precleaning of product containers 3.3. 1 Pre-cleaning of product containers which could present a potential foreign body risk to product; e.g. boxes should be in place. This may involve pre-rinse with dilute hypochlorite solution (6ppm) Auditors Recommendations: Look At Look For: Cleaning Procedures Cleaning Schedules Glass Breakage/ Foreign Body Procedure Non conformance/ corrective Actions 3.5 Condition of equipment, no corrosion, loose paint or frayed belts 3.5.1 All process equipment and machinery must be maintained in good condition. Temporary repairs or modifications that may affect quality of the product is not recommended Auditor's recommendations Look At: Look For: Equipment Design Equipment specification and design Maintenance and Maintenance and inspection records Inspection Cleaning Records 3.5.2 All pipes leading to or from water storage tanks must be kept clean and free from product debris, laking paint or other contamination hazards Auditors Recommendations: Look At Look For: In-process and plant Maintenance and Inspection of pipework control Removal of unnecessary pipework and fittings Cleaning Records and Plant Maintenance records and schedule 3.5.3 Metal surfaces if not stainless steel, must be kept in good condition, free from rust, flaking paint or other loose surface coverin Auditor's recommendations Look At Look For: Equipment validation Cleaning plans and schedules for all equipment cords Non-conformance and corrective action records Equipment Condition to Food Safety Requirements Use of food grade materials 3.5.4 The design of pumps and their materials of construction must be suitable for their purpose. All umps must be capable of being stripped down for ease of cleaning and inspection. They must be jood condition and have the power to ensure proper circulationAuditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Personal Hygiene Training of contractor’s to meet minimum requirements 3.4 Precleaning of product containers 3.3.1 Pre-cleaning of product containers which could present a potential foreign body risk to product; e.g.boxes should be in place. This may involve pre-rinse with dilute hypochlorite solution (6ppm) Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Cleaning Procedures Cleaning Schedules Glass Breakage / Foreign Body Procedure Non conformance / Corrective Actions 3.5 Condition of equipment, no corrosion, loose paint or frayed belts 3.5.1 All process equipment and machinery must be maintained in good condition. Temporary repairs or modifications that may affect quality of the product is not recommended Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Design Maintenance and Inspection Equipment specification and design Maintenance and inspection records Cleaning Records 3.5.2 All pipes leading to or from water storage tanks must be kept clean and free from product debris, flaking paint or other contamination hazards. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: In-process and plant control Maintenance and Inspection of pipework Removal of unnecessary pipework and fittings Cleaning Records and Plant Maintenance records and schedule 3.5.3 Metal surfaces if not stainless steel, must be kept in good condition, free from rust, flaking paint or other loose surface covering. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Validation Cleaning plans and schedules for all equipment Maintenance records Non-conformance and corrective action records Equipment Condition to Food Safety Requirements Use of food grade materials 3.5.4 The design of pumps and their materials of construction must be suitable for their purpose. All pumps must be capable of being stripped down for ease of cleaning and inspection. They must be in good condition and have the power to ensure proper circulation