三、本课程的特点Characteristic of This Course:It is a branch of physics,.and its degree of difficulty is larger. 1. 是划分工科和理科的标准,是化工类各专业课的基础理论课。 2.难度较大,与物理化学相当。 3.很重要,是停课考试科目和化工类研究生升学考试科目 四、学习要求Study Demand 1.认真听课Listen to the lecture seriously 2.1 做好笔记Take notes 3.即时复习Review immediately 4.独立完成作业Complete homework independently 5.有疑问即时问老师Ask teacher in time if having any questions 三、本课程的特点Characteristic of This Course: It is a branch of physics, and its degree of difficulty is larger. 1.是划分工科和理科的标准,是化工类各专业课的基础理论课。 2.难度较大,与物理化学相当。 3. 很重要,是停课考试科目和化工类研究生升学考试科目 四、学习要求Study Demand 1.认真听课Listen to the lecture seriously 2.做好笔记Take notes 3.即时复习Review immediately 4.独立完成作业Complete homework independently 5. 有疑问即时问老师Ask teacher in time if having any questions
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